Listing in risk

Level 1
Bratislava, Slovakia

Listing in risk

Prepacte mile airbnb support centrum.

ak je vasa “podpora” superhostitelom to, ze co i len zvazujete pozastavenie ponuky, ktora ma vyse 100 vybornych hodnoteni od hosti, na zaklade toho, ze jeden host dal nie dobre hodnotenie, pretoze mu bol nauctovany dodatocny poplatok preto, lebo znicili nove uteraky, a k nahlemu zruseniu rezervacie z nasej strany len tolko, ze nam v apartmane vznikla nehoda v kupelni s vodou, ktoru bolo treba urgentne riesit. Ku vzniknutym situaciam viem

dolozit aj fotodokumentaciU. Bola by som rada, ak by ste vyssie uvedene fakty vzali na vedomie, a prestali o vyhrazat hostitelovi, pretoze, si nie som vedoma porusovania pravidiel a svoju cinnost robime na 100% zodpovedne. Dakujem, Johanna




Sorry miles airbnb support center.
if your "support" to the super hosts is that you even consider suspending an offer that has over 100 excellent guest reviews, based on the fact that one guest gave a bad review because he was charged an additional fee because they ruined the new towels, and to the sudden cancellation of the reservation on our part, only that we had an accident in the bathroom with water in the apartment, which had to be solved urgently. I know the situation
I can also provide photo documentation. I would like you to take note of the above facts and stop threatening the host, because I am not aware of any violation of the rules and we do our business 100% responsibly. Thank you, Johanna


[Google translation added by OCM]

3 Replies 3
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Johanna839 , while we await insights from our experienced hosts , I wanted to share a few previous discussions where hosts expressed similar concerns.


I hope these conversations provide additional insights 👉click here to view conversations👈 


I’m also reaching out to our experienced members @Fred13 @Helen3 @Lorina14 who have participated in similar discussions earlier to see if they have any advice for your specific situation.

Thank you in advance everyone for your support!



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Top Contributor
Bellevue, WA

@Johanna839 @Bhumika 


Sorry I haven’t been in the boards the past week. Johanna, did you contact customer support before you cancelled to explain to them the unforeseen circumstances that led to your cancellation? I’ve heard that if you had prior communication with them you won’t get penalized for something you couldn’t control. If not, did you reach out to customer service and ask to speak to a manager who may be better able to help you with your situation? Unfortunately with AI and algorithms, listings can be suspended without much human interaction or with a canned response that is not personalized to your situation. You need to follow up, be persistent and state the facts (proof in pics, receipts for the damaged new towels, and in the chat if you messaged the guest explaining that the towels were damaged beyond cleaning and asking for a fee, or if they reject then aircover should cover it (some hosts have gotten reimbursed successfully but you need to file your claim BEFORE the next guest checks in for optimal reimbursement chances)).


Unfortunately Superhosts sometimes do not get the care that Airbnb says they provide for Superhosts (many posts here relay similar experiences which is disheartening). If you don’t receive the response you need, you can do a shout out via Airbnb’s social media channels and that sometimes does the trick to make them expedite your issue (if you have done the requisite calling customer service, filing a claim, speaking to many reps, etc).

Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


I looked at your reviews for 3 years of Hosting I did not see excellent reviews.  I did see the 5 stars but also multiple 4 stars and I think two reviews less than 4.  In the Airbnb world that isn't considered excellent and maybe why your at risk.