Listing needs attention???

Level 9
Chiang Mai, Thailand

Listing needs attention???

We were very pleased

to see another 5 star review but saw the listing needs attention on 2 of the rooms. One was accepting reservations    75% given but  needed 88%.  I can’t even remember when we have declined a booking request and we have never cancelled any bookings. How can I view which booking request I presumably refused.? as this is not correct. 
The other room has an overall 4.7  with requirement of 4.7 but it says in the requires attention page it’s at only 4 ???

That particular room has had only a couple of bookings in 2019


If anybody takes a look at our listings you can see that (thankfully) most of our reviews have been 5 star. 
The golden key that Airbnb sent us for being a Superhost for 20 consecutive quarters looses its meaning when you feel that you are failing to meet standards. 


Hosting for 12 years Superhost for most of that time and have grown each year.
2 Replies 2

How long do rhe listing issues remain in the listing, or when do they expire? And shouldn’t they be based on average, rarher than on a single review?

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Vicky-And-Anton0 Reviews stay forever and the overall rating IS the average of all the overall ratings given for that property.