I have moved all of my locks to direct connection with airbn...
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I have moved all of my locks to direct connection with airbnb. I am now running into a problem attempting to connect a second...
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Hi, everyone my name is Yennifel, I am a new host,
The issue I'm having is that when I enter the city where my property is located it doesn't show up.
The Airbnb search sends possible guests to just one spot of the city instead of showing the whole city.
How's that possible? That Airbnb would do that.
Any suggestions?
Here's my listing if anyone can give me pointers I'd appreciate it.
**[E-mail address removed due to safety reasons - Community Center Guidelines]
Hi @Yennifel0
If you just published the listing, it can take up to 72 hours for it to be visible to guests:
Creating a Listing
"...After you publish your listing it should be visible within 24 hours. But it may take up to 72 hours for some listings to show up in search results..."
Hi Joan,
Thank you for responding. It's been past the 72hrs. The issue I'm having is that when you search my property by city, the search on that city is only concentrated on a small portion of the city to the north side.
The search does not show the whole city. I am located to the south near the beach coast and do not show up.
I'm figuring out if there's a special keyword people are using to show up or if they just situated their property location in the north to show up?
Would this be a good practice, my last idea?
You are in the same situation as alot of Hosts if their listings are outside the main city far enough. In the summer of 2023 they did a major software change to the algorithm and Hosts who had listings far enough outside the large city areas no longer appeared in the main search result page. No one knows how the algorithm determines the distance from the city center in calculating the search results.
You can try bringing this to the attention of Airbnb, but I fear you will hear the same thing other Hosts have been told... "the system is working the way it is intended." Many Hosts have had to use other platforms (Like one starting with "V") in order for their listing to appear in the main search page results for their city. You may have to explore doing that. They only way a guest will find your listing is by moving the map or zooming out quite a bit and most don't know to do that.
HI Joan,
This data helped me understand the situation better and getting 4 bookings kind of helped ease my frustration. But it still concerns me that when I apply filters that I know I have I do not come up.
I appreciate the information. I am hoping everything gets better. My pocket is suffering!!
Hi @Yennifel0
I searched for Playa Santa Beach, flexible dates, 10 guests.
Your listing came up in 3rd position, in the first line out of 382 listings. It looks like you're very visible to guests who want to visit the beach!
Hi Shelley,
Thank you very much for looking into this for me. Sorry for the late response. I've been so busy learning everything and working. I have to say I've gotten 4 bookings, but all have come in with some struggles.
I'm optimistic everything will get better,
Thank you!
Hi @Yennifel0,
I'm glad you got a few bookings since your posts, and that the advice our other hosts shared was insightful! I just wanted to tag them in to make sure they both see your replies in case they have more advice - @Shelley159 and @Joan2709 🙂
You mention all bookings have come with struggles, is there anything else there you need help with perhaps?
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Hi @Emilie
Thank you so much for asking. Struggles have been more on the property side. Sometimes little stuff, but the biggest one was a blackout on the island precisely on January 31st. I had to get the handyman there to set up the generator, which cost me an arm and a leg. But now I am prepared.
I am also curious about the matter that when I look for my property using filters, I do not show up. I know I have all my amenities listed, which concerns me a bit. ANy suggestions on that?
This is my property just in case you want to take a look airbnb.com/h/pearlstays1
I appreciate the help.
Hi @Yennifel0
I tested it again with the pool filter and the barbeque filter - it's showing up in second position for me with the filters (10 guests), so all seems in order. Keep in mind that I'm specifically searching Santa Beach - if you use a more general search term the ranking could be much lower.