Listing owner error

Listing owner error

Hi I manage a small air BnB in uk and recently discovered that my wife accidentally put her name down as listing owner while helping me to get the property online . My wife does not own the property . Does anyone have any tips or advice on how we can change it . 

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Robin1490 it rather depends on the state of your marriage! You could make yourself a co host and direct all the money to you or you could just, as you are married, divert any income to your tax return. Of course it may be tax beneficial to continue with all the money going to your wife (subject to my comment on the state of your relationship). STR income is pensionable in the UK so you don't need to pay tax if you can afford not to.

Thanks for the reply , yes that’s a great idea but  unfortunately I manage the property on behalf of my father . My wife helped me to set up the listing on the air BnB app but ticked that she was the listing owner box by mistake . Two years later and obtaining super host status along with some jolly good reviews . We realise that due to taxation implications etc we will sadly have to close our account with air BnB to correct the issue , thus losing our great feedback and super host status etc etc .