Listing price shown on a guest search

Level 1
Jacksonville, AL

Listing price shown on a guest search

Hi all! If a guest searches our area, my listing shows the wrong price. I've never had that price!  Any idea how I can fix this? My calendar displays correctly.


3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


I got 162 for four guests is that too high or too low?

Hi Gail,


It sounds like the issue with the price showing up incorrectly in search results could be related to Smart Pricing settings. You might want to review your Smart Pricing range to ensure it aligns with your expected prices.


If Smart Pricing is currently enabled, consider disabling it temporarily to see if that changes the price shown in search results. Additionally, check for any applied discounts or promotions, such as long-term stay discounts, that might affect the displayed price.


Manually updating the price for the affected dates could also help refresh the information on Airbnb’s end. Sometimes, clearing your browser cache or using a different browser can reveal if the problem is related to old data being cached.


If you've tried these steps and the issue persists, it may be worth reaching out to Airbnb support for further assistance, as there could be a technical glitch or an issue that needs their attention.


I hope this helps.


All the best,

Upfish Management

Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Gail792 

Choose a specific date range that you know is available, search as a guest, enter 1 guest and zero pets, and get the total price. Then go to your host view and select those same days on your calendar (the blocks you select will turn black). Now look in the tab that pops up - you will see it gives you the "Guest Total" in small print. This should be the same as the price you saw when you searched as a guest. If you want to understand how this total is made up, click on it to see the calculation (the default here is one guest and no pets).