Listing problem .....

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Listing problem .....

I have been in touch with some ambassadors over my listing price.  It's been £85 ever since I started and now, for over a month, the price is showing as £100 and as a result my bookings are really down.   


I have asked continuously for it to be changed back to £85 as it must be a technical issue.  I've been onto my pricing, doubled checked everything and made sure I don't have any discounts, or specialist pricing issues which could be affecting it from my end.


Can anyone help here?  I've checked with other listings and many of them seem to have the same issue - the prices in bold are the uplifted price, including airbnb's charges but are always slightly more than they should be.  Eg:  My uplift price with 14% should be £97 but I'm listed as £100.  The second figure, the nightly charge multiplied by number of nights is correct.  


Thanks in advance.


3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Liz6854 

I just want to check where you've been looking at your prices. It's best to understand how they're made up by clicking all the way through on a calendar block. Open your calendar as a host, click an available date and look for the small print "guest total" in the pop-up. Then click on it to see the detailed calculations. You can set your own prices for the line items other than the "guest service fee" (which is the Airbnb commission on the guest's bill). See which of those line items is out of line with what you want to charge (I don't see any in bold, so I'm not sure what price you were referring to as "uplifted price").


In order to assist, we would need a bit more information:


Are you using Smart Pricing?


What is the base price you have set?


Are you using and 3rd party dynamic pricing software?


Can you provide a screen shot of what you are referrring to as "uplifted" prices?


Can you provide a screen shot of your calendar where you set your prices?



Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Joan2709 


Please screen shots below - mine is on the farthest left on top row.  You can see that the listed price is £100 in bold, when it should be £85.  The second figure is correct, ie £85 x the number of nights a guest is looking for.  Bookings are way down as I'm clearly the most expensive in my area and I'm not.


The second screenshot shows my calender which has £85 across the board.  I have no third party pricing software, I'm not using Smart Pricing and the base price is £85.


If there has been a change of policy at Airbnb to show the base price plus the 14% airbnb charge then OK fine - but then it should be £97 and not £100.  I hope you can help.


Thank you.




Search listing - mine is on top row, left hand sideSearch listing - mine is on top row, left hand sideCalendar showing £85 per night across the boardCalendar showing £85 per night across the board