Listing requires attention

Listing requires attention

Hello all! 

We’ve received our first bad review, and now are being flagged with “your listing needs attention”. I will admit, we are new to the platform, however no stranger to a clean and welcoming space. 

We’ve addressed the concerns at our place, completed a full deep clean, and communicated with our cleaner. 

Any idea how long these notices stay on our profiles?! Any insight would be super appreciated. Thanks! 

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Toronto, Canada

I believe for around 3 months.

@Hilary317 Hi there, can't comment on the notices, but your rating is still pretty good! Many of after years, its work to keep above 4.8 so well done !


What I will say is, I think the fact that a tenant resides when its not an airbnb or something to that effect, is going to be very offputting for future bookings. And your response didn't say anything.


Which leads me to my next point, your description is very light on. I find sparse listings a major indicator of a new host and it might turn off some more experienced guests as well. There is ample space including a 'Things you need to know' section to take advantage of and sell your property, as well as manage expectations. Perhaps this is where you say, we strive for 5 star experience, and fridge and freezer and closets are now available for your use. Put in there too, your desire to provide a welcoming space etc.


It's fine that someone stays there when its not an airbnb, but it's no longer acceptable liked it used to be (especially post covid) to not have an empty fridge / freezer to use. It also indicates those spaces then haven't been regularly cleaned. Anything private has to be locked away. I have a separate fridge freezer for my personal stuff and personal locked closet for my clothes.


Use the reviews and customer insight to help form up more in your description, some hosts have suggested throwing it into chatGPT or the like, and see what it pops out. 


All the best, regs MK


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Hilary317 😊,

Welcome to the community, and thank you for asking this question here!


I am sorry about this situation, but I’m glad that our Hosts shared great advice with you.


Did you get a chance to review it? What do you think about @Mary1523 's ideas?

Warm regards 🌻


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Level 10
Takoma Park, MD

@Hilary317  You have 9 pictures and virtually no description. I would not book, because if I have to contact the host to ask questions about basics, I can move on to another listing that has done a better job, and that's going to be much easier. 


@Mary1523  mentioned many things you can do to improve the listing, and I concur. Attracting good guests who are going to enjoy your property takes some effort, and right now you're kind of tossing the dice. Improve your listing description, and the quality of your guests and your interaction with them is likely to improve as well. 


And definitely- no food or other things in the fridge. It should look like a homey hotel room- obviously somebody's home, but no signs that a person actually lives there. 


Better quality and more pictures, as well as a good description of your property, will likely improve your experience as a host. Good luck.