Listing url not opening/not in search results

Level 2
St. Louis, MO

Listing url not opening/not in search results

Hi All! This started about 2 weeks ago and have tried to get Airbnb to help me. When you click on my listings URL they are getting redirected to the Airbnb front page. What is weird is that when I am logged into Airbnb and click on the link the page opens but when I am logged out of Airbnb the link is re-directed. I am also not in the search results. Airbnb stated that my listings should be working and I am not being blackballed or anything. 


My profile page:

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



Your listings are not in the search system:


if you activated them very recently, then wait for another 12 hours.

(check the above link it they show up)


Other possible causes to explore:

The listings do not have any available date to book

Their are local regulations (limitations like maximum nights to rent etc.. ) which automatically brings them down


Otherwise contact Airbnb, maybe they deactivated them or there is some system error


Hope this helps,
