Hello guys,I hope all are doing well. I'm here again because...
Hello guys,I hope all are doing well. I'm here again because I'm handling another listing in my homeland Ecuador with low con...
Hi all,
We have been listed on Airbnb going on our 5th season, and this season my focus is to increase our bookings. Due to our mountain location, we are seasonal, so are open from mid-April to early December, depending when the snow begins to fly and the road to the cabins gets too snowy and icy to travel. I would love to have other sets of eyes and perspectives to take a look at our listing and offer suggestions for improvements.
Cabin in Shoshone County · ★4.87 · 5 bedrooms · 10 beds · 3 baths
With much gratitude!
[Content updated by OCM]
@Miriam1077 Wow you have an amazing place. I think there are a few things you could do to help your listing.
Pictures: You seem to have a few pictures that are in there twice. Some pictures are clearly cell phone pictures. I would put them at the end. I would also try and arrange your pictures to tell a story visually. I would also look at getting. some professional pictures of the property that include people in them. This is a growing trend on the platform. It shows how people can enjoy your place. We are looking to do this this in the near future with our properties. Your hero picture should be the amazing sunset you must experience from that deck. I would get a professional to take that picture.
Name: do you have a name for the your place? If so I am unclear what it is. I would name it if you don't. Please on the platform like to stay at places with a name.
Description: your description needs some punching up. It reads a little flat. You have a great place, that should be expressed in your descriptions. I would list out the different attractions in a bullet form than just one massive paragraph.
These are the things that caught my eye at first glance.
I hope this helps and good luck.
Hi @Miriam1077,
Congratulations for such an amazing listing that you have! I've added your link and a picture so it's easier for the host joining to enter the listing and give you their feedback. Hope this is ok. 😁
Did you check the rest of the comments you got? Let us know what do you think about the feedback!
Hi Alex, Thank you for the response! I took the feedback from the 2 contributors and applied it to our listing and am continuing to work on fine tuning it. The feedback was perfect and spot on and provided the gentle nudges that I needed to get out of the weeds and rise to 30,000' level. Any other feedback is greatly appreciated!!
All the best,
When I read the description, I read main cabin bath house I get a complex idea.
I look at the pictures, I get the impression one big cabin.
I think that confusion is why the small dings on your Review Categories which hurts you over time.
It sounds like a great place Guests love but just was different then expected so accuracy and location dings., but then an overall 5. Great rental just different.
Also to reignite traffic after your winter use the Airbnb Custom Discount Tool, You can just discount 3 days the 20% get the Airbnb marketing.
Hi Marie, Thank you for the feedback! You've nailed the challenge that I know we have in how to describe what we have because it's a unique set up...the word "complex" silently triggers me, but I haven't found another word. What we have is a complex of cabins that all get rented out to each reservation whether there are 2 people staying are 16 people staying. There are 4 individual sleeping cabins with different sleeping configurations geared to couples, families and groups. The main cabin has the kitchen, gathering area and a full bathroom. The laundry/bath cabin has laundry and another bathroom. There's also the outdoor pavilion area. So the experience throws back to camping, serene outdoors, but with modern conveniences. Might you have suggestions for how to word this, taking out the confusion? If not, no worries ... I'll challenge ChatGPT to help me out too. Many thanks for your review and feedback!
Actually, maybe look how can you show pictures that tie more into your description. It sounds like a perfect group rental site and you do a high volume of groups. My thoughts are the little dings are the families especially with younger children. Nice safe but not exactly what was expected by them. On the other side, like I said spread out space is so appreciated by adult groups, Little privacy haha Your pictures might not be encouraging some group trips because didn't set the right expectation. Don't try and be what you are not be the best of what you are. You have great reviews, you just need to recognize your a great rental for your market.
I took a quick look at the listing and it is a unique setup. Since it's not clear for a guest searching how the layout works (separate cabin sleeping areas and common areas) I would make this clear from the start and suggest the below as the first part of your description to clarify that:
"Bear Creek Cabins is a unique property perfect for large groups or couples getaways! You’ll have exclusive access to the entire 12-acre property, including (4) separate cozy sleeping cabins, fully stocked Main Cabin and a Bath cabin with laundry. Explore the outdoor kitchens, a spacious pavilion, and take-in the breathtaking North Idaho views!"
Hi Joan, Thank you for taking the time to review our listing and offer your suggestion! I've incorporated your suggestion into our listing description. Much appreciated feedback! Miriam
Hey Miriam!
Rental property photographer here! Reading the other feed back they all brought up really great points! I think one of the biggest things is getting professional listing photos. That would make a world of a difference. Your current photos are not doing it enough justice. Adding well done high res horizontal interior shots and some dusk drone shots of the exterior with the lights on so it pops in addition to having the mountain view. You need some Shots that can showcase some more of the cabins true character. (Also Little things too like removing all generic soaps, tissue boxes and garbage cans out of the photos.) The s’mores kit is super cute you could even add some lifestyle shots of people using it around a fire and engaging with the property. Adding a few of those in sometimes adds character and helps a potential guest envision their stay when looking through the listing.
Warm wishes,
Becca | The Cabin Culture
Hi @Rebecca2503 ,
Thank you for your feedback!! Great detail tips that often get overlooked. I'm working on getting professional photography of the cabins as suggested, as well as the lifestyle shots.
I appreciate your time providing me feedback!