Lots of views compared to others in the market, but no booking conversions.

Level 2
Gurugram, India

Lots of views compared to others in the market, but no booking conversions.

Hi ,

Can anyone look into my listing and help me?  



I am getting views and first-page impressions, but the conversion rate is not good. Also, advanced bookings are rare these days. I tried updating the description and photos, and offering discounts, but it's not helping much.


[Listing link updated by OCM]

1 Best Answer

Hi Rahul

It's a nice little place and you have had some good reviews, well done! You've got some good experience already under your belt.

Here's my suggestions:

1.When things drop off, have a look at the competition. See if they are booked/not booked on comparable dates. Might be market conditions.

2. You had one particularly interesting review, and when I checked the feedback against the photos, I could see his point. I suspect its putting people off. And there are some lessons to learn from this.

So I think you might have an expectation problem. I'm not familiar at all with Indian airbnbs so apologies in advance if my comments are not relevant.


You say 'Elegant' home, 'Beautiful' Kitchen, maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but it's setting expectations of something that others might not believe. The feedback indicates you are in a price range that's affordable, rather than 'luxury' or something in between. 


For instance, the kitchen, it seems like a kitchenette rather than kitchen? there's no oven, just a portable cooker? Was that guest correct about the crockery not being in good condition? Make sure there is decent crockery and cutlery if it is a kitchen. Whereas a kitchenette can be way more basic. Be clear about what the kitchen is and isn't. 


The bedrooms, sure it is two single beds put together, shouldn't be a problem normally. But it's been called out, probably because of the mattresses. If that's normal quality, thickness for a matress in your area, then fine. But if they are not comfortable and what's normal, then a good quality mattress topper (I did that for some uncomfortable single beds i had) made a big difference. And yes some bigger side tables are worthwhile. And a bit of nice wall art in one of those bedrooms, given there is natural light, even a plant or two.


Bathroom, my pet peeve is photos with toilet lid up, put it down!!! Is there a bath or shower, it wasn't clear? But your listing said a bath and bidet? Be clear on what the bathroom has with photos.


As for lounge living room, it's probably worth on the listing indicating minimal natural light, or if you can change the doors entering that area to provide some, it might help. It would put me off not having any natural light into a common room. For others, it won't be a problem. Thats why you are getting variability in bookings.


This leads me to my final point, the worst position to be in is to over promise and under deliver. I think its always better to under promise and over deliver. So change your description away from 'Elegant' to something else, like 'Affordable' or 'Central' etc. If the kitchen isn't new or there's timeworn stains in places, its best to say in your listing, "lived in" or "pre loved" home etc. I have had the same issue with some guests expecting everything new, so I'm now clear in how I position. Otherwise the rest of your photos and listing details are good.


Also, you talk in language of the digital native of 'impressions and conversions' which is impressive - however, I always say to airbnb hosts, we aren't selling widgets, you are in the hospitality business. Focus on making every guest experience great, which you already must do as you are a super host, learn from the not so great reviews, utilise them to improve your offering, don't ignore them even if they hurt (and they do I know) and the bookings will come. 

ps when you do improve something, put it in your listing and in your photos, so that when prospective guests read old reviews, but see you have responded, it will change their minds.

Hope this helps

Best of luck

Kind regs



View Best Answer in original post

7 Replies 7

Hi @Rahul226 - seems like a very nice apartment. Here's my suggestions:


- is it normal to mention electricity usage? I read that in the "other things to note". If this is a common thing for listings in your area, then I would leave it. Otherwise I would remove it.


- you say "clean freak", I would just remove these words.


- a review mentions 'small' bedside tables. I saw on the photo a 'small' bedside table.  Not sure if you improved that item, but if not, I would consider putting two standard bedside tables next to each bed. 


- a review mentions the quality of some kitchen items, if you haven't already, I would replace these items with higher quality. You can take an updated photo of your kitchen items and mention in the caption that items are updated/new.


- when my listing is stagnant I keep adjusting prices. I lower my prices. The "discount" option is a good one to utilize but instead I lower the underlying price. 


- and finally, if you haven't already, take a good look at what the calendars of your competitors are doing. If they are booked up in a way that you are not it is good insight and you can use that as a guide on what guests are looking for.


Much success,

Greystone Lodge

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

@Greystone0, thank you for stopping by and sharing these great suggestions  😊@Rahul226 , are you planning to implement any of them?


I wonder if any of our experienced Hosts have additional suggestions to share: @Guy991@Karen4131@Leigh625@Lorina14@Sorcha3 and @Shelley159 


Regards 🌟



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@Greystone0  Thank you very much for going through the listing and noticing such small details. I truly appreciate your feedback and will make sure to update the listing accordingly.


Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Rahul226 

I agree with @Greystone0. A good way to get bookings is to adjust your prices and booking restrictions. A lower price can help you get started, and it's usually the easiest way to convince people to book.

Correct, good Hack 🙂 @Shelley159 

Hi Rahul

It's a nice little place and you have had some good reviews, well done! You've got some good experience already under your belt.

Here's my suggestions:

1.When things drop off, have a look at the competition. See if they are booked/not booked on comparable dates. Might be market conditions.

2. You had one particularly interesting review, and when I checked the feedback against the photos, I could see his point. I suspect its putting people off. And there are some lessons to learn from this.

So I think you might have an expectation problem. I'm not familiar at all with Indian airbnbs so apologies in advance if my comments are not relevant.


You say 'Elegant' home, 'Beautiful' Kitchen, maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but it's setting expectations of something that others might not believe. The feedback indicates you are in a price range that's affordable, rather than 'luxury' or something in between. 


For instance, the kitchen, it seems like a kitchenette rather than kitchen? there's no oven, just a portable cooker? Was that guest correct about the crockery not being in good condition? Make sure there is decent crockery and cutlery if it is a kitchen. Whereas a kitchenette can be way more basic. Be clear about what the kitchen is and isn't. 


The bedrooms, sure it is two single beds put together, shouldn't be a problem normally. But it's been called out, probably because of the mattresses. If that's normal quality, thickness for a matress in your area, then fine. But if they are not comfortable and what's normal, then a good quality mattress topper (I did that for some uncomfortable single beds i had) made a big difference. And yes some bigger side tables are worthwhile. And a bit of nice wall art in one of those bedrooms, given there is natural light, even a plant or two.


Bathroom, my pet peeve is photos with toilet lid up, put it down!!! Is there a bath or shower, it wasn't clear? But your listing said a bath and bidet? Be clear on what the bathroom has with photos.


As for lounge living room, it's probably worth on the listing indicating minimal natural light, or if you can change the doors entering that area to provide some, it might help. It would put me off not having any natural light into a common room. For others, it won't be a problem. Thats why you are getting variability in bookings.


This leads me to my final point, the worst position to be in is to over promise and under deliver. I think its always better to under promise and over deliver. So change your description away from 'Elegant' to something else, like 'Affordable' or 'Central' etc. If the kitchen isn't new or there's timeworn stains in places, its best to say in your listing, "lived in" or "pre loved" home etc. I have had the same issue with some guests expecting everything new, so I'm now clear in how I position. Otherwise the rest of your photos and listing details are good.


Also, you talk in language of the digital native of 'impressions and conversions' which is impressive - however, I always say to airbnb hosts, we aren't selling widgets, you are in the hospitality business. Focus on making every guest experience great, which you already must do as you are a super host, learn from the not so great reviews, utilise them to improve your offering, don't ignore them even if they hurt (and they do I know) and the bookings will come. 

ps when you do improve something, put it in your listing and in your photos, so that when prospective guests read old reviews, but see you have responded, it will change their minds.

Hope this helps

Best of luck

Kind regs



@Mary1523 First of all , thanks a ton, Mary, for the detailed feedback! I really appreciate you taking the time to go through the listing so thoroughly and for sharing your suggestions. I’ll definitely start working on those updates right away. Your help means a lot, and it’s great to see such community spirit.

Thanks again for all your support!