Miscellaneous questions

Level 1
St. Augustine, FL

Miscellaneous questions

I've been hosting for about a month now and have a few questions:


Our listing can accommodate 6 people with the use of an air mattress. If they don't use the air mattress we can accommodate 4 people. Is it possible to charge additional past 4 people since using the air mattress actually requires more accommodations from us


How do I charge for early check in or late check out. I get this question alot and want to charge additional if they decide to do that. How would I do that?


I get asked about additional amenities. Could I offer them as an extra and charge for it. If so, how do I do that? Like someone wants snacks and drinks when they arrive at the house. I can do that for a fee. Or sometimes people want beach equipment. Again, I can do that for an additional fee.



Lastly, what do I do if something is removed from the house by a guest. Can I charge them for it or how would that work? Recently wine glasses went missing after a guest checked out. 


Thank you in advance for your guidance. 



2 Replies 2
Level 10
Buckeye, AZ



You can set your pricing to charge additional fees for more than 4 people with your max limit 6 people

Early Check ins and Late Check outs is usually  an additional fee hosts charge but it is unusual to  be something that is frequently asked.  If you are having a lot maybe look at your market to see if you need to adjust your times.  You don't want to   many additional fees because that can  be a turn off  for potential guests.

Amenities same things look at what others in your market are including and what is your competitions nightly rate?  Maybe yours is too low?

Something like 2 wine glasses is probably breakage most Guests don't steal something like that  and it's an expense but the hassle to get ten dollars and the probable bad review you receive probably just eating the loss would  be cheaper.

With food you have to worry  about allergies and providing safe items.  You may want to look at your state laws first.  If you chare money to supply something consumed most states have laws.  Many hosts provide goody baskets to their guests but they don't charge a fee it is just an expense likeee toilet paper when  they calculate their rates.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hey @Karla767 👋


You've got some great questions here and reply from @Marie8425. I'd also like to tag some other members in to see id they have any further advise they can offer: @Brian2659@Dave1388 & @Nicholas439 may be able to support you too! 😊


I hope this helps 😊



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