My listing is unlisted without discussion

My listing is unlisted without discussion

I have been following all guidelines and been proactive .

i have 20 5 star reviews in just 2 months .

my property is unlisted although I never got any complain or a police report 


I was notified today morning that there was music complain and I am already removing guest to avoid any issue .

2 Replies 2
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Jayant40 😊
I am sorry about that, but congratulations on your reviews. That’s a great achievement!

As you posted a few days ago, I wanted to check if there are any new updates to your situation.

Have you reached out to the Customer Support Team?

Warm regards, 🌻


Please follow the Community Guidelines //Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center

Problem is resolved . My property is listed again .