My listing will be unjustly removed

Level 1
Vicenza, Italy

My listing will be unjustly removed

Airbnb will remove my listing on December 28th.


I have been a host for 5 years and it has been a wonderful journey. Sure, sometimes complicated and challenging, but certainly exciting and satisfying.


Over the course of this month I felt really bad for the injustice.  I would like no other Host who works seriously and honestly to be treated as I've been.


After a month-long reservation with a 5-star rating, last July some new guests complains mold in the apartment, get refunded and leaves a 1 star. After that I kept the calendar closed because the apartment was always booked. Then, a month ago I reopened it and Airbnb algorithm suspended the listing awaiting to remove it (I think because over the course of this year I only received 3 reviews on Airbnb and therefore even if the total average is 4.67, for the algorithm only the calendar year counts and perhaps the average was 3 stars).


On November 20th

I receive an email informing about the removal of the listing from Kylie 


On November 21st I appeal


"It’s been several years I’m successfully hosting on Airbnb. Almost all reviews are witnessing the care and attention I have towards guests. Some months ago one guest was lamenting some issues with mold, however that never happened before and still the apartment is beautifully taken care of and welcoming guests. Please check my case".


On November 26th

I am asked for additional information from Kylie ambassador at (in the email was clearly mentioned to reply to the same)

On November 27th

I send additional information by replying to the email received


"I went to the apartment and made a video for you to see. We had cleaning planned for today but guests asked to do it next week, so you see there’s a bit of a mass, but that’s guests. I asked permission to go and shoot a video to send you to appeal to your decision to remove my listing. I hope you can see the apartment is fully ok to welcome guests as since that review I always had guests. Only thing they didn’t come through Airbnb, but if I receive reservations from other platforms of course Airbnb calendar is close.


Here is the google drive link to the video I just made:

On November 29th

I send some more additional information


"In my previous email I was sharing about the apartment condition: clean and no mold + kept on welcoming guests after the reservation for which rate Airbnb wants to remove my listing. I’ve been sharing a video of the apartment for you to see.

Now, I’d like to add one more element to the appeal. Reservation HMDNTEFN8M, which is the reservation before the one for which Airbnb wants to remove my listing, is a 32 night successful reservation and guests (family with kids) left a 5star review.

So how come one week after the apartment is having a one star review because the guest is saying there’s mold in the apartment?

Thanks for taking into consideration this second element and thank you for updating me on anything else I can do to show Airbnb my listing should not be removed"

On December 3rd

I receive another email requesting additional information, as if I had never sent it. So I proceed to send it again


On December 11th

I receive an email telling me my listing will be removed on December 28th because I didn't send the additional info as requested.



The point is that I was judged without Kylie seeing the additional information I sent because for some reason she never received it.


I called the support team several times because right after sending those emails to I received responses like "we will close this case because there is already an open one".


Although some support team member assured me that he would send the additional information to Kylie or to a team that could better assist me, nobofy ever got back to me and at the end of the story my listing will be removed due to the fact that I did not provide the additional information.


I ask the community if in some way anyone can help me open the way to a "fair trial"; that is: being able to present evidence of the fact that my apartment is clean, always sanitized and does not have any mold in it.


Even though once I was told from the support team: "after the verdict there is nothing to do", I still have hope because hosting is what makes my living and I'm fully dedicated. I don't deserve this.


Thank you for reading me this far and I wish you all the best



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