Need to cancel a booking

Level 2
Glenelg, United Kingdom

Need to cancel a booking

I need to cancel a booking 

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Lorraine498 the question is why? If a disaster has occurred you should be able to cancel without penalty. If not then you will be penalised with the penalty starting at $50 and increasing as the stay gets nearer.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Lorraine498, I hope you're doing well.


Have you had the chance to read Mike's comment? If you could share some additional details, our Hosts will offer further advice. Meanwhile, >>here<< are some articles from the Airbnb Help Centre that can offer very valuable insights about cancelling a booking as a Host.


I hope this helps



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@Lorraine498 depending on your cancellation reason, Airbnb may apply penalties when you cancel a booking. If you are canceling due to an extenuating circumstance policy, you may be required to provide documentation to Airbnb to support your claim under this policy. So, if you need to initiate a cancellation under the Extenuating Circumstances Policy, you typically need to contact Airbnb support with your reservation details and evidence to support your claim. Hope this helps!