Hi Abdul.. it is not clear what help that you are seeking.. but let me offer a couple of comments about your current listing.
Your pictures need more attention:
1. the bedrooms come across as cold and stark.. I would suggest that some pics/ artwork on the walla and some floor mats will see the rooms as more inviting and less stark than they are currently.
2. You mention a nearby lake .. you should have a pic of that... let's others see what is worth seeing locally.
3. You have a pic of your kitchen (maybe add something on the counter top (eg bowl of fruit?) to make it seem more homely.
What is local in your neighborhood that would help travelers decide that your location is a good choice for them to stay. List what is nearby and how far away *eg walking time to the lake... drive time to the go-karts, MOSH is how far? ...
Your pic of the kitchen is included but your list of amenities states that you have no kitchen available... confusing.
Overall I think that you need to "soften" the look that your pics are showing to make it more "comfortable" for travelers to stay.
I hope that helps.