@Margo402 @Scott1957
I think many hosts miss out a vital step when setting up their STR business - and that's not to do any market research around supply and demand.
many areas are suffering from oversaturated markets coupled with falling demand so if you haven't done so already I would start by looking at Airdna for your locations.
also look at what the low and high seasons are for your location.
it's likely that unless your pricing is completely out of kilter that lowering your pricing will make little difference .
have a look at your listing - have you written the copy with your target guests firmly in mind and ensure your listing has amenities these target guests want and need
do your photos help you stand out from your competitors?
are you listing on all relevant STR platforms .
personally I wouldn't offer a flexible cancellation policy or encourage one night stays - in my experience it can just lead to last minute cancellations.
@Margo402 I would suggest looking at how you can dress your rooms - they look rather bare - then retake your photos. For example a table and chairs on your decking set up for eating will help people imagine themselves being there.