Postnummer / Zip Code

Level 1
Rødovre, Denmark

Postnummer / Zip Code

Airbnb bruger et forkert postnummer til vores opslag: Bankevej 2, 4945 Femø

De bruger 4930 Maribo, på Lolland. Det medfører misforståelser, fordi folk tror de skal til Maribo.

Vores hus ligger på en lille ø i Smålandsfarvandet, som for snart mange år siden fik sit eget postnummer !

Vær venlig - hvis man kan be` om det her, og brug det rigtige postnummer til opslagene på Femø !

med venlig hilsen Svend Aage Christensen
[Google Translation added by OCM]
Airbnb uses an incorrect postal code for our listing: Bankevej 2, 4945 Femø They use 4930 Maribo, on Lolland. This leads to misunderstandings because people think they are going to Maribo. Our house is located on a small island in Smålandsfarvandet, which almost many years ago got its own postcode! Please - if you can ask for it here, and use the correct postcode for the postings on Femø! Sincerely, Svend Aage Christensen





1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Svend-Aage0 , Have you managed to get this resolved by getting in touch with Airbnb Customer Support?


I wanted to share these articles here that may help in editing the listing address : 


👉  Customize your map location 


👉 Edit your listing address . I noticed that it is mentioned in this article that ''You can only edit your listing address before you accept your first booking. Once guests have stayed there, or if you have an upcoming reservation, you’ll need to contact support to change it.''




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