Rejected AirBNB Categories

Level 2
Knoxville, TN

Rejected AirBNB Categories

Our new property does not have the correct categories listed. Based on this article - - You go to this website and request Categories.


We went in and requested a few. The key ones being Amazing Views and Cabin because thats what people look for in our area. It is critical we have these categories to increase bookings. We noticed that bookings were slow and determined we did not have the correct categories. As you can see below - we actually got rejected for cabin (our property is absolutely a cabin) and for Amazing Views it's been pending for weeks. I have called support atleast 20 times with no one that can help. 


Any advice on how to get these approved? It is killing our listings performance. 


CleanShot 2024-04-11 at 22.00.27.jpeg

21 Replies 21

Hi @Deb216 

I have only tried this on a computer and it works. Doesn't look like it works on your phone. Log into your airbnb account. Keep the window for your Host dashboard open. Open a new (second) browsing window tab and type:









Level 2
Philadelphia, PA

Infuriating to say the least. Our property is on the beach. My backyard is literally sand level of on the beach, water is 100 ft from my back deck, and yet we are not listed or tagged as beachfront, beach, or waterfront. They gave us only “amazing views”. Beach and beachfront were denied despite 2 other airbnbs on our street having those categories. Given how in-your-face categories are when you open the app, this is extremely disappointing. More so, was the terrible and useless conversations with customer service reps. How can you not look at my photos, reviews, or google maps and add the beach category? How can AI have the final say, as if it makes no mistakes? Denying that these tags wouldn’t make an impact on bookings or search is absurd. Many of our guests over the years found our remote beach home by searching this way. It’s a rural destination that many don’t know to search for otherwise. Categories wouldn’t exist if Airbnb didn’t believe they have an impact. 

It is now June 2024.


I received another 2 messages from an Ambassador:


 He/She will be away from the office for 2 days...


And then another message, 


They've CLOSED my case!


Nothing has been resolved!


😞 So disappointing. I'm sorry. Do post if something changes. The worst part is the pretend customer service. Everyone who has ever called CS knows what it means when they say "I will be away from my office for 2 days" It's comical at this point.

Hi @Jahneva0 

Luv your place!

Yup...AI is a tricky thing for sure. Programmed correctly it is a great tool. That said, even a great tool can be used incorrectly and cause alot of harm. AI has to "learn" as it goes and just like a "toddler" there can be a big mess created along the way.


A few things I would try on your listing. These are just guesses and suggestions. The problem is, if you have been denied a category, I understand it's very hard to get that changed, as the AI has "ruled" (even if it's wrong!). I have had to request removal of incorrect categories!


Exact Location (Specific Location)

I always advise my clients that are right on the beach to indicate exact location. This reassures guests that are searching for beachfront that your location is accurate. This may also be used as a "marker" for AI when determining "beachfront", but that is a guess on my part. Your address is only shown after they make a reservation. Be sure to turn on the privacy option so guests cannot see the exact location until after the free 48hr cancellation period. Right now you are showing a  general location as indicated by the transparent red circle around your location on the map in the "Where You'll Be" section:





Neighborhood Highlights

Airbnb doesn't state what factors AI considers when determining Categories. They provide generalities like your description and photos should refer to location features. However, I have noticed with some of my clients that if they refer to a specifc geographic feature in Neighborhood Highlights on the listing, it sometimes works. I would add references to "beach", "beachfront" to Neighborhood Highlights. Right now you just say "small rural community." You can include things like what type of sand, how long the beach is, best to time to enjoy the beach and what part is most picturesque, etc. You get the idea. 😊



Amenities Section

I would review this section under Location Features bubble and be sure you have included waterfront and beach access (looks like you have?).


Location Card

Be sure you have included "beach access" and "waterfront" in this section.


Thats all I can think of at the moment. Let us know here if you are able to get the categories you want added, as it might help another Host 🙂


Level 2
Lake Luzerne, NY

.I have had this exact same experience since I listed in December 2023.  First I was in skiing, despite not being open during ski season, then countryside, then NO CATEGORY>  I am a campsite, my site name is Riverfront Ritz Campsite, yet they won't put me in camping,  I have been on the phone with them too many times to count, with the exact same response.  They give me the robo answers on how to pick a category, as if I didn't know, then how to elevate, but as you know, they gray out the category that I belong in.  It is beyond frustrating,  this site earned 94 five star reviews when it was listed through Tentrr, up until December when they went bankrupt, so I had to list my site on my own.  This time last year I had 10 bookings, this year I have two, and one was a previous camper that I reached out to.  It doesn't make sense that they can't fix it.  They first told me, after several phone calls, that it was a known bug and they were working on it, today I got a response, that there is no bug, so I needed to uninstall, reinstall, empty cookies and all that......after doing that it still doesn't work.  

Hi @Rita2979 

I'm so frustrated for you as well! Your property should clearly be in the Camping Category. I have noticed with other clients that putting information in the Neighborhood Highlights Description section under the Listing Location Card in the Listing Editor has helped some of my clients. I noticed that section is missing on your listing? 


When you enter information in this section on the listing it shows up under the location map under "Neighborhood Highlights." I would complete this section on your listing and include all kinds of information about "Camping" there. I'm guessing the AI "mines" this section (along with other data points) to determine Categories, but that's only a guess. It's worth a shot.

