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We are unfortunately yet more hosts who are frustrated and disappointed with Airbnb's refusal to follow their own policies regarding Reviews, Content and Non-discrimination. Here is a recent review Airbnb denied to remove, without providing any rationale for the denial:
-----Guest's Public Review:
During the day there is a lot of natural light, and the main living spaces are spacious. That's about it for the positives.
All bedrooms, except the master bedroom, are tiny. All of the doors are very creaky and the doorknobs are all loose. It's not confidence inspiring - feels like some parts of the home can fall apart. There is only a single deadbolt for each entry door; I don't know the character of the neighborhood but I didn't feel safe inside.
We waited the recommended 10-15 minutes between showers for the hot water heater to "fill up" but it isn't adequate for the size of the home and the number of guests. The heating was also odd; simultaneously the bedrooms are incredibly hot but the living spaces are cold.
There is a $250 cleaning fee but we found a moldy water kettle, and the milk frother was left used. The throws were still damp. And the guests are required to throw out the trash and load the dishwasher - what is the cleaning fee paying for?"
-----Our message to Airbnb on why this review violates multiple of Airbnb's policies and should be removed: (Airbnb responded with the typical canned response of "We examined this review and the related details carefully, but it does not meet the criteria for removal under our policy. For this reason, we are unable to remove it from the Airbnb platform."):
"This review is a violation of multiple Airbnb policies, as described below. We are therefore demanding that Airbnb abide by its own policies and remove this review for the following reasons:
1. This review is in direct violation of Airbnb’s “Community policy, Standards for relevant and unbiased reviews” (airbnb.com/help/article/3055); in this policy, it states:
“Reviews that are biased, retaliatory, ... may be removed.”
The guest clearly has written a biased review in retaliation for our cleaning fee. The guest states in their public review:
“There is a $250 cleaning fee …..And the guests are required to throw out the trash and load the dishwasher - what is the cleaning fee paying for?”
2. This review is in direct violation of Airbnb’s “Community policy, Airbnb's Reviews Policy” (https://www.airbnb.com/help/article/2673); in this policy, it states:
“Reviews must be unbiased”
The use of the word MUST is important as it is a requirement for complete lack of bias in a review – this would be different if the word was “can” or “may” but Airbnb chose to use the word MUST for a specific and clear reason, that all reviews must contain no bias whatsoever.
- In this same policy, it goes on to give the example of “guests should not write biased or inauthentic reviews as a form of retaliation against a Host who enforces a policy or rule.”
This example is very important because it contains a few key details – it uses the word “or” to differentiate the requirement of bias and the requirement of authenticity, therefore both bias and authenticity are not linked in any way, but completely separate requirements that reviews need to meet in order to not be eligible for removal.
This example also specifically notes that bias and retaliation CAN be linked, specifically when bias is used “against a Host who enforces a policy or rule”. This is exactly the issue here with this review – a Host enforced the house rules of checkout instructions and cleaning fee, which the guest was not satisfied with due to their own bias and preference for no cleaning and no associated fee, and therefore retaliated against the Host by including in their public review the statement ““There is a $250 cleaning fee …..And the guests are required to throw out the trash and load the dishwasher - what is the cleaning fee paying for?”
3. The guest also lies about the cleaning fee price, which is inauthentic and not accurate. The guest implies a higher cleaning fee than what the guest actually paid. ($240 is the actual cleaning fee)
4. Maybe most importantly, the guest is in direct violation of Airbnb’s Content Policy (https://www.airbnb.com/help/article/546), specifically the clause in the policy that states:
“The following content is not allowed on Airbnb:
Content that is discriminatory (review our Nondiscrimination Policy for more information)”
In Airbnb’s “Community policy, Nondiscrimination Policy” (https://www.airbnb.com/help/article/2867) it states:
“Discriminatory Language
Airbnb users may not use language that calls for exclusion, segregation of, violence towards, demeans, insults, stereotypes, or seeks to convey a person’s inferiority because of a protected characteristic. This includes usage of slurs, negative associations, referring to a transgender individual by their pre-transition name (i.e., deadnaming), misgendering, microaggressions, and all other forms of hateful speech.”
This guest specifically violated Airbnb’s Nondiscrimination Policy by stating in their public review:
“I don't know the character of the neighborhood but I didn't feel safe inside.”
Washington, DC is a historically black city and this guest used coded language to imply their inherent racism against black people specifically by referring to the “character” of the neighborhood and “not feeling safe” due to the neighborhood’s demographics. In the English language, this is known as coded language to indicate discrimination and racism in the United States. Coded language includes stereotypes and negative associations and calls for the exclusion of certain groups and is considered hate speech in the United States. This comment was unfounded and was just to pile on to the guest’s bias and retaliation for the cleaning and cleaning fee enforcement.
To summarize everything related to this case:
1. This review is a clear violation of all of Airbnb’s policies related to Reviews, Content and Non-discrimination
2. The review is clearly biased and retaliatory toward the Host’s enforcement of house rules for checkout instructions and cleaning fee
3. The review is inauthentic and not accurate, as the guest refers to a higher cleaning fee that what the guest paid
4. The guest used coded language transmit their inherent bias and racism toward the residents of Washington, DC which is a historically black population.
We demand that Airbnb abide by it’s own policies, remove this review immediately and suspend this user’s account for blatantly ignoring Airbnb policies and clearly trying to degrade Airbnb as a platform with so many policy violations."
-----If Airbnb does come around and removes this review, we'll update this post. Unfortunately, we have several other reviews with blatant violations by guests of Airbnb policies, which Airbnb has treated us in the same fashion and denied removal (even when Airbnb agrees with us that a policy violation has occurred).
So sorry you are dealing with this....It's nice the guest gave you overall 5-stars and only marked you down in the sub-categories. Just curious, what were this guest's previous reviews like?
I suggest posting a factual, short, non-emotional public reply to this review while you wait for Airbnb to consider removing it. I would also mention the numerous excellent reviews you have from other guests. Most guests will see thru some of these complaints. Were you able to verify some of the cleanliness issues were true? Hot water? Milk frother Dirty? Moldy kettle? If so, I would apologize and state this is not up to our high standards for cleanliness and these have been addressed with our cleaning staff to prevent them from occurring again.
That said, I don't see anything retaliatory, specifically discriminatory, or outside Airbnb's policies regarding reviews. This guest was very careful to craft his review to prevent Airbnb from removing it. His review reflects his opinions on the stay. Saying he is unsure of the “character” of the neighborhood and “not feeling safe” does not indicate overt racism...this is his opinion and could be applied to any neighborhood of any culture. Airbnb will not intervene in the truthfulness (or lack thereof) in any statements made by the Host or guest.
You can refute any factual errors (cleaning fee) in your public reply. You can also point out the cleaning tasks of throwing out trash and loading the dishwasher are standard and minimal for most Airbnbs and your cleaning fee was disclosed on your listing at the time they booked, as well as your minimal check-out tasks.
Unless you have something in the Airbnb message system (or text) that the guest threatened a bad review if you didn't refund him, I fear you won't be able to get this review removed.
If you gave this guest a 5-star review and don't feel it now reflects your true experience with the Guest, you can contact Airbnb and ask them to remove your review.
Airbnb's Non-Discrimination Policy
Hi @Alma549
I have to agree with @Joan2709 and witth Airbnb, it's difficult to see how this review could violate policy.
It's not expected in all parts of the world that a host would require a guest to perform check-out tasks like removing trash - perhaps different expectations are part of the issue here. But as @Joan2709 says it seems to be a regular request in the US, so just stick to what's practical in your situation and put the episode behind you. You already have newer reviews that are great, so very little harm done. Just keep going.
Hi Shelley,
Thank you for your reply.
If any Airbnb policy stated what you mentioned - that some rules cannot be enforced due to varying expectations from travelers across the world, then I would agree with you. However, Airbnb policies clearly state that "guests should not write biased or inauthentic reviews as a form of retaliation against a Host who enforces a policy or rule."
Our house rules are clearly posted in our listing, for all potential guests to see prior to making a reservation. We further reinforce this in our pre-booking message, immediate post booking confirmation message and pre-checkout message. Therefore, we consider the guest to have received appropriate notice of what to expect when booking our home, and therefore having received such notice of expectations, we can think of no other reason than retaliation on the part of the guest for our enforcement of this house rule.
Since the multiple Airbnb policies that I cite above, and which I cited directly to Airbnb support, clearly indicate how this specific review is in violation of each of those policies, I just simply want Airbnb to abide by their own policies.
It seems like Airbnb should just remove the policies I've cited above, because if Airbnb is the sole enforcer of their policies, and they are not enforcing their own policies, it seems that it would be easier for everyone involved to simply eliminate these Airbnb policies and allow guests and Hosts to write whatever they want. However, the time that Airbnb has put into carefully wording and crafting each of these policies tells us that Airbnb does value each of the policies cited, so we are left feeling frustrated in the lack of enforcement to their own policies they've developed.
So the guest broke a house rule? I noticed you mentioned something in your review of them about questions at check-in and hoping there wouldn't be issues? Do you think this is what prompted the 3-star review? If so, I would definitely mention that in your public reply...
Hi Joan,
Thanks for your reply. Just to clarify, this guest did not leave a 5 star overall rating - this guest left a 3 star overall rating.
This particular guest had 3 previous 5 star reviews from Hosts. We no longer give much weight to previous reviews, as we've had wonderful guests with no previous reviews (their first time using Airbnb) and we've had guests who come with many 5 star reviews from hosts, only to leave our home an absolute disaster.
The guest lied about the kettle and milk frother, both were clean upon arrival and of course, the guest mentioned nothing at all during their stay (which was only one night).
In Washington, DC, unfortunately the use of coded discriminatory language is common - many local Hosts in our local DC Host community have experienced the same coded language in their reviews and have also experienced the same frustration with Airbnb support not understanding the local nuance of such discrimination and not removing reviews that violate Airbnb's non-discrimination policy.
In our response to Airbnb above, we specifically cite language in the various Airbnb policies of why this review is eligible for removal and should be removed - as the guest specifically violated several Airbnb policies. We're curious as to why you don't see any of the violations we stated in our message to Airbnb support, specifically:
1. We understand you may not be familiar with the coded language used by the guest, however, when the guest states "I don't know the character of the neighborhood but I didn't feel safe inside" - this is a clear negative association with the demographics of the neighborhood and a microaggression toward the neighborhood, both of which are clearly against the non-discrimination policy (https://www.airbnb.com/help/article/2867 - under Discriminatory Language) - this is unfortunately difficult for Airbnb support to fully understand and appreciate, as Airbnb support personnel are often unfamiliar with local communities and historical discrimination, such as a historically black community in Washington, DC.
2. Would you agree that the guest clearly retaliated against us as the Host, regarding our cleaning instructions and fee (clearly against the Airbnb policy here - https://www.airbnb.com/help/article/2673)? If not, why not? The guest has an entire paragraph of their review dedicated to the cleaning fee and cleaning instructions.
3. Would you agree that this review is at least Biased (also specifically disallowed by Airbnb policy https://www.airbnb.com/help/article/3055)? The guest references that the bedrooms are "tiny" and that the water heater isn't "adequate" (but doesn't complain about not having any hot water) - these are clearly personal preferences and indicate clear bias on the part of the guest. We're interested to see if you would agree with this and if not, why not.
Unfortunately, we've found that it now requires at least 10 hours to dispute each review that warrants removal, because it takes so much time and back and forth, to help educate Airbnb support personnel on Airbnb's own public policies, and even then, the Airbnb support personnel may not remove a review which clearly violates public policies and will not provide any response to rationale we provided.
So sorry! I do see it was 3-stars....rats! 😠
You can refute the other statements that were untrue in your public reply. However, understanding "code words for discrimination" is inherently "covert." Unless the guest mentions a specific racial bias, I'm afraid Airbnb will not remove the review on that basis. Airbnb will also not remove a review unless the guest specifically states they will leave a negative one unless they get a refund. Did they request a refund?
I would definitely get your public reply to his review out there, as who knows if Airbnb will remove the review or not. No sense leaving untrue statements for future guests to see until his remove gets pushed down due to other good reviews you'll get.
Thanks for posting here about this. Let us know how it goes and if you are able to get the review removed and on what basis Airbnb removed it...it surely would help other Hosts in a similar situation.
@Alma549 I can see nothing wrong/retaliatory about this review. If I were you I would work on the issues identified rather than railing against it. All the points made seem very fair to me.