Starting with Airbnb - Inventory list

Level 2
Hamburg, DE

Starting with Airbnb - Inventory list



We want to start to offer our apartment in airbnb.


The appartment will be fully equipped and so I suppose there should be an inventory list of all the items that are inside the apartment and this inventory list should be handed over to the client with the check-in and checked by both parties again when making the check-out. Nothing against south americans and i dont want to generalize but this appartment will be in Colombia and peope like to rob things even they have small value.


So what is the best way to ensure that nothing will be robbed? How is the normal procedure of airbnb hosts? 


Thanks a lot.

8 Replies 8
Level 6
Raglan, New Zealand

In my opinion you will not get bookings if you made the guest check an inventory list on checkin and checkout.  Just charge enough so you don't care.    Don't have anything there that you are very fond of.

If I was a guest I would not be interested in that arrangement.

Level 10
State of Bahia, Brazil

I have never heard of anyone doing that. Giving a list like that is a bit strange (it's normaly done with long teŕm rentals, but it's a lot of work with airbnb. What hosts usually do is take time stamp photos or videos to show how everything was before the guest arrives.

Level 2
Hamburg, DE

I know such an list from Long term Rentals and if the Apartment is fully equipped I think it is a way to protect the Things.


To go through this list is something like 5 minutes.


And when you go to a hotel the staff also checks before check-out if anything from the mini-bar has been taken, so that would be the same procedure.

Level 10
State of Bahia, Brazil

@Guido233 taking time stamp pictures will have the same effect, and it will not annoy the guest. 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Guests are not going to want to go through an inventory on check-in @Guido233 


And how will you handle this with guests who want self-check in or arrive in the early hours of the morning.

Level 2
Hamburg, DE

Self Check-in? They will rent an appartment and a key has to be handed over, so that wont happen.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

We are a community of hosts and guests here @Guido233 who are taking the time  to provide you with advice based on our experiences (sometimes quite extensive) to help you with your hosting journey on Airbnb.


Just because you don't choose to use self-check in, doesn't mean it isn't an option for hosts. 


Not everyone wants to/can be there to meet guests on arrival. I didn't know what options you have chosen.


As long as you make it clear as part of your house rules that guests need to complete and sign an inventory on check-in and mention it up front in your listing, this will help minimise you getting bookings for guests who would prefer not to do this.

Level 10
Bergen, Norway


You will presumably be hosting in a city where guests would want to stay 1-2-3 nights, an inventory list for short stays is not very practical - you would need to be present before they check out and take inventory, not very convenient if they have an early flight and you will have to be there at 4am.  And no, it does not take 5 minutes, it may take 30 minutes for a fully equipped apartment. You would have to count every teaspoon and every kitchen utensil.  

And if something is missing - how would you be able to charge your guest and still get a good review ?

You asked for advice from experienced hosts - now you have several.  Buy some mid range cutlery and crockery and replace as needed.  I have white porcelain from Ikea that has lasted more than 10 years in my rental.  Some glasses get broken every season, but I regard that as part of the business.