Suggestions required

Level 1
New Delhi, India

Suggestions required

Dear fellow community members,


 Greetings from New Delhi,


We have just launched our two properties one is few years old while other is a newborn.


I would request you to all dear members to have a look at our listing and provide me some suggestions though I tried our best to care the needs of our esteemed clients but may be your experience can help me to fetch some business.


 Thank you


D D 


🏡 View on AirbnbHotel in Delhi · ★New · 16 bedrooms · 24 shared bathroom

🏡 View on AirbnbHotel in Delhi · ★New · 10 bedrooms · 10 shared bathrooms

6 Replies 6
Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi there @D-D2816 👋


I hope you don't mind, but I added your listings to your post so that other Hosts can find them easier. Hopefully, some Hosts will pop by and share their constructive insights and suggestions. 



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Dear Rebecca,


Many thanks for your message.


 Could you please share the link of that posting so that I can also have a look.


 Looking forward to hear from you.


 Thank you




Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

I edited your original post above to include the two links to your properties 🙂



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Level 2
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Hi @D-D2816 

I saw both listing you should change the pictures trying to take different perspectives from the rooms, hall. Everything has to match and have armony between then. 

don t heasitate in contact me,


Best regards,

Level 10
Takoma Park, MD

@D-D2816  Unless you are planning to rent the whole hotel/s all at once, I believe you have structured the listing incorrectly. You need to do it by room. 

I agree with Kia. The number of bedrooms and bathrooms should be what the guest is booking. If you don't want them to cook all 16 bedrooms, you need to change your listing to a Room listing and change it to 1 bedroom.

Megan Blount
Expat Property Tours, LLC
Short & Mid-Term Rental Services