Unauthorized listing

Level 1
Melbourne, Australia

Unauthorized listing



my husband and I have recently separated and he wanted to list the house on Air bnb. We are joint owners. 
does he need my permission to list?

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


A Host is not always a owner or partial owner of a rental property.  Airbnb can not control if a host is illegally offering a rental.  If the house should not be rented you will have to get a court judgement against your husband and pursue him.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Elizabeth3613 😊

Welcome to the community, and thank you for asking this question here!

Did you find the answer somewhere else?
Our Host @Marie8425 shared great advice with you! Did you get a chance to review it?

Warm regards 🌻


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