If you go to this link you will see the second listing in my...
If you go to this link you will see the second listing in my profile. Thanks so much https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/130386541...
Rebecca, do you know why I cannot pull up my house when I look for what’s available around Green Bay during the NFL draft? do you know what people are renting their houses out for per night for the draft? I don’t know how to tell if anybody’s looked at mine or not?
If you turn on Airbnb Professional Mode then under your Menu option you will see Insights. Airbnb will track for you views clicks ad conversions,
ty. Are you in the Green Bay area and do you know our house is moving on the draft with the rates are
Sorry I am not in the ren May Area, but I think your prices are way above Airbnb rental prices.
They are, it’s because of the NFL draft coming here. Some people have rented their houses for 28,000 a week I’m less than half of that. But I don’t see where I can turn on professional mode. I looked and I can’t find where to do that
Hello @Karen4561
It's lovely to see you joining in conversations on the Community Center!
I'm tagging @Marie8425 here so they receive a notification of your message. This ensures that they get a notification that you've replied to them specifically 🤗
Quick tip: if you type "@" and then the username, this will tag the member that you're replying to.
Here's the link to the Help Article for Using professional hosting tools that @Marie8425 mentioned. Let us know how you get on!
Just a thought new house no reviews, it appears trying to get bookings foe a late April date (about 3 weeks away). for a rental is at a cost of $10,000 to the guest for 5 days.
I am not trying to be mean, but it doesn't appear a good plan.
Join the thousands of Hosts who use our professional hosting tools to simplify their Airbnb hosting experience.
You can switch the tools on and off in your Account Settings by clicking or tapping Use professional tools. These tools include:
If you decide to stop using the tools, it’ll take 1–2 days to remove your access and delete the data for:
It can take up to 72 hours (usually 24hrs) for a new listing to start appearing in search results. This is intentional as it gives new hosts time to finish setting up the listing (lots more to add after hitting the publish button):
Here is more information on that:
If you want to know what your competitors are charging why don't you do some market research by using the search function on Airbnb to find similar properties and seeing what they charge for the dates in question @Karen4561
The airbnb help website will be a good resource for you as it has FAQs around how Airbnb works .
By the way I would be reluctant to book a brand new listing with a host that has provided no description at all of the property in terms of how many and type of rooms, what amenities you have etc, your local neighbourhood etc. You also haven't completed your host profile or uploaded a profile photo.
are you opening it as permanent listing or just for the NFL draft? Your calendar is open for the year.