
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

What happened to listing the number of reviews?

Level 4
Chattanooga, TN

What happened to listing the number of reviews?

As a host I have worked extremely hard to collect hundreds of five star reviews. When searching for properties these are not reflected. You actually have to click on the property to see how many reviews it has.


As a guest searching for apartments in Paris last night I gave up! I was so disgusted with the fact that I couldn't see the number of reviews on a listing. I got tired of clicking on five star or 4.9 star that only had one or two reviews.


I'm not going to travel halfway across the world to stay in a unit that doesn't have a history of serving their guests.


Please put it back.

Thank you!


16 Replies 16
Host Advisory Board Alumni
Chiang Mai, Thailand

Hi @Adrienne67  , Thanks for your post. I'm the same as you love to host and when travel I stay in Airbnb. You mention a very good point, that we should see number of how many reviews. It look like we have to select Superhost to find a house with many reviews ( but not as work as just show how many reviews the list have).

Yes, you have to search for super host if you're traveling. And even then some super hosts have less than 10 reviews. It's very frustrating. I hope they fix it soon

And what's so funny in this forum you are given a category based on your number of reviews and your time with the company. So they value this in this forum but they don't value it when guests are looking for a place to stay? It doesn't make any sense

"you are given a category based on your number of reviews and your time with the company"


@Adrienne67 What makes you think this?

For example you are a level 10. You may have never noticed they have labeled you in this group based on your seniority with Airbnb as a host. I am a level three I believe. Switch to traveling on the app look at how your listings are shown.

The number of reviews is no longer seen when scrolling through properties. You can only see it when you click on the property itself. Meaning that someone searching for your listing in the area can't scroll through and find the ones with the highest number of reviews with the highest rating. They have to click on each property to view this information. It's a traveler it's frustrating. As a host it's horrifying! Especially those who have worked so hard with Airbnb to have several hundred reviews. This information should be seen at a glance like it used to be.

@Adrienne67 The levels have nothing to do with seniority or experience with Airbnb. As you contribute to posts and get thumps up you will increase in levels. Spend one day actively contributing on this forum and you will likely be at level 10 by the end of the day. 


But I know that is not your point. I also think it was a bad move on Airbnb's part to remove the number of reviews from the search results. I wonder what the logic was and why the programmers thought it was no longer necessary? I bet they will reappear with the next update.

I had no idea thank you

Level 10
East Fremantle, Australia

Not only the number of reviews but the listing titles have gone. Now the search takes twice as long for the guest to find the right property. These changes have not been addressed by Airbnb- why why why???

Yes! Hopefully they can fix both of these things very soon. It is extremely frustrating as a host and as a guest

Level 4
Chattanooga, TN


Level 4
Kennewick, WA

@Adrienne67  I agree - the number of reviews is important! I have just returned from hosting since the start of Covid. In 2019, I was booked every night I wanted to host. I have a total of 226 reviews and a 4.97 (6 reviews were a 4*.) I am an in-home host and was hesitant to reopen because Covid was very high in our area. 

Despite the 226 reviews, 4.97 stars, and never having canceled a guest I lost Superhost status by delaying opening until it was safer. 

Now - my listing is harder to find. Bookings are WAY down (only 3 this quarter) and I won't be able to regain Superhost this session. My marketing materials (business cards, signs I display as a supporter of community events, Facebook postings) all revolve around the name I choose. I know people can type in the unique link or click on the link if I put it in postings but the branding is important to me -  it needs to show up in  a general search of my area!


As a guest I also used to search on Superhost and would consider the number of ratings. My last trip ended up at a hotel as I became frustrated with the search process and didn't have time to keep checking listing after listing. I was sad because as a host and stockholder I want to support Airbnb when traveling.

Hopefully someone will Airbnb will respond to this thread and give us an explanation. I hope they are working on the change. Thank you so much for your input.

@Teresa-terri-0I also sent a message last month to Airbnb with a similar experience. No answer. Even if you did not travel for a number of years, your guest reviews are intact but hosting reviews go because you withdrew your listing. Quite a retaliatory move by Airbnb saying they cannot retain history. 

Level 2
Chiang Mai, Thailand

Hi. I marked a minium nighlt price and the company Airbnb let my property at 80% of my figure