Why have my reservations dropped so much?

Level 3
São Vicente, Brazil

Why have my reservations dropped so much?

Last summer when I started in airbnb I got a lot of reservations until the end of the year, as I live in a tropical country and by the beach. 


But this summer the reservations dropped tremendously and I had only a few guests this year. 


As the winter is comming, I am very worried that my place will drop down in the listing! 


My listing is already one of the cheapest in the region...


I would like to know why this is happening, can anyone share some thoughts or tips?

1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager
Galashiels, United Kingdom

Hi @Ana-Elisa9 


Sorry to hear that your bookings aren't as busy as you'd hoped.


I wanted to suggest asking for a listing critique - you can read more about that here.





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