Will you book my place?

Level 1
Haridwar, India

Will you book my place?

Hi, after getting the status of super host, suddenly bookings has stopped. It's been 15 days ,we haven't received any bookings.


Please guide us if any changes to be made in listing 

3 Replies 3
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Rachit6 😊

Congratulations on achieving Superhost status, that’s amazing! 🎉


I’m sorry to hear about the lack of bookings at the moment. Was this also the case before? When did you start hosting?


Warm regards ‌🌻‌,



Please follow the Community Guidelines //Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center

Dear @Elisa ,thanks for your prompt reply. No initially we got good number of bookings and inquiry too. But from 30th December onwards ,nil booking and probable enquiry.

We got 4* rating on 30th December,which I feel is the reason for decline in booking .

That person raised ticket against us , he felt that pictures are different than listing ,but that was resolved.

Thank you for letting me know @Rachit6 😊!


I’m mentioning experienced hosts to see what advice they can share with you: @James3814@Jason2389@Bea2137@Jeff89, @Jermain40 and @Jennifer3187.

Thank you in advance, everyone!


Warm regards, 🌻



Please follow the Community Guidelines //Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center