calendar not available on app

Level 2
United Kingdom

calendar not available on app

The last couple of days my calendar on my phone just has a blank screen cannot access it.Tried to reboot,turn of phone etc but still is blank.


I can access it on main computer but this is no use as i am not always near the computer and rely on the app on my phone.No idea what to do to get it back.

1 Best Answer
Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hello @Katherine33@Ann-And-Tim1@Jakub136@Paddy50@Ozan89 & @Joan2709 


Thank you so much for your patience whilst we looked into the calendar issue. We are aware of and actively working on a fix for  a bug impacting the Calendar view on the Airbnb iOS app. If you are not able to view your host calendar for your listing(s) on your device, please login to your Airbnb account on mobile web or desktop to view and manage your calendar. 


I hope this helps, 
Rebecca 😊



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33 Replies 33
Level 1
Broome, Australia

I have the same issue and have logged off, powered off phone etc to no avail



Try again as the problem got fixed yesterday!! Delete and  upload latest version.  🤞

Level 2
Madrid, Spain

This is happening to both mine and my wife’s calendar on our iPhone 11.  We’re in Spain.

Hello @Marcos200 


The bug has been fixed for many so delete app from your iPhone and reinstall the latest version for Airbnb. 🤞