payment options for renters

payment options for renters

Hi! I have a guest who's reaching out and interested in renting our home and asking about different payment options for payment plans. I don't see where I can see these options where I determine how guests can pay- is that only something the guest can see or can I see that somehwere?

4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


I believe on Airbnb payment options are between Airbnb and the Guest.  The host is not involved  Usually longer  term when they are asking payment options they are asking you if you will do private pay..

 I have done that but  I am very careful sometimes a good repeat Airbnb Guest  becomes a problem the minute you go private pay.

I do a lot of contract employees so 3 or 6 months is not unusual.

I  usually  if I  am not  sure yet, I let them go monthly on Airbnb  30 days at a time and doing  extensions to original request they still get charged tax but not an Airbnb Fee  for an extension..

In Arizona, someone gave me the state form  the guest can complete showing 30 days paid too Airbnb    and usually get a refund from the  state, I am  not involved.

To avoid any confrontation, I just say  Airbnb is required by my  STR Insurer and I  am not worried about damage but juust trying to protect them if they trip on something in  my  driveway.



Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

If a guest wants to stay (not rent) your home the payment options should come up when they book @Kelly2327 


The Airbnb Help website has FAQs about most aspects of running your STR business on Airbnb so is your go to for these type of inquiries.


You can share this link with your potential guest.


Personally if you are just starting out on your STR journey I would avoid longer term bookings and look to take shorter stays to build up your experience and reviews.



Level 3
Salem, OR

I would be careful going long-term.  I had had a perfect couple message me and they booked the place for a month initially and while it was on Airbnb and out on the up and up I thought they were cool people, however I told them I would rather just keep it on Airbnb as it is, They got mad because they weren't getting a "discount" they felt , I let them know they can leave at any time. So they eventually move out, they wrote the most ridiculous review, and I really wouldn't have thought that they were going to turn out the way they did and act the way they did, They both were traveling nurses and I thought these are ideal tenants or guests, clearly that was just a smoke show, And the minute they didn't get their way when they demanded that I give them my entire house for the price of one room they totally switched up... Also with Airbnb you have a protection not in the sense that Airbnb will help you with anything but in the sense that they do not have rights as tenants at your house cuz once you get someone in your house and they actually have rights as tenant without even a lease being signed, technically they don't have to pay you another dime and it'll take a year or two for you to kick them out and it'll cost you you know $15,000 for a lawyer and an eviction so just keep that in mind...

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Kelly2327, welcome to our community! 😊


Our Hosts have shared some great suggestions. Let us know your thoughts once you've had a chance to review them.


Best regards,



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