"verify your listing" email

Level 5
London, United Kingdom

"verify your listing" email

I received an email from Airbnb "Please verify your listing....." Requires me to take photos of listing etc.

Is this spam?

My listing has over 190 reviews and I am a host for 11 years and mostly 5 star reviews. I doubt that Airbnb would sincerely ask me to confirm that it is a "real" listing.

Sounds super dodgy. 

Anyone else? 

6 Replies 6

Hi @Olga6 first, check if the email is really from Airbnb. Look for the article: How do I know if an email or website is really from Airbnb? in the help center, you will see there if the email is really from Airbnb. I'm not sure but it looks like there're updates that Airbnb is doing for Hosts, because I even had an experience this month that they blocked my calendar until I re-verified some Host info. Also, you can reach out to Airbnb support to confirm this. Hope this helps! 

Level 3
California, United States

Yes Alicia.

I had 2 of my listings photographed even thought they had many photos.

Level 3
California, United States

Same happens to me.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Olga6 ! Would you mind sharing the email id from which you've received this email? Here's an article that can help you identify email domains that belong to Airbnb : Check for official Airbnb email domains.


If it's from one of the appropriate domains shared above, there's also an Airbnb Help Center article that can help with more information related to this process of verifying your listings.


Please keep us posted how you think of proceeding with it🌻.



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Level 2
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

I have the same issue with Abnb and it’s not a scam.
I am a Superhost and manage 7 properties remotely in rural Scotland and have done for over 2 years and have over 300 guest nights with 5 star reviews.
I have been given until 21st June to verify the listings by taking 3 x 20

second videos inside/outside/and at the door at each of them and  Irrespective if there are guests in or not, I have to do this.
It is a near 600 mile round trip for me and will cost £100 in fuel. 
I can’t imagine the guests are going to be happy with me asking to video the inside of the lodge. 
Abnb have blocked all booking dates until I have completed the verification process. 
The ‘ambassadors’ have been worse than useless with their customer service, I mean weapons grade awful service and zero understanding of the issues involved in doing this. 
I would have thought the bookings and subsequent reviews and algorithms associated with such along with Superhost status would be enough but no, not according to Airbnb. 
This has to be one of the most ill thought out corporate idea ever. 
From a host point of view,  I will 100% be looking at other platforms to list my properties and from a travellers point of view I won’t be using Abnb for any future holidays I will be planning. 
I can’t tell you how poor the customer service has been with this. 


Hi @Olga6, I received an email too but I also saw a notification on my Airbnb profile that I need to verify the listing by certain date in August. So, it is definitely legit but like everyone else commented, it does not make sense to ask host to verify their listings after they have hosted many guests and there are reviews to validate the listing. I am not sure if there has ever been any complaints by guests that a listing does not exist physically or not what it claimed to be. Even if such exists, then they should deal with affected host.
In any case, the alert showing the due date for verification has now disappeared and I am wondering if Airbnb has changed its mind about this. I hope so.