Hi All -We are renting our house weekly. Right now the list...
Hi All -We are renting our house weekly. Right now the listing is Sunday to Sunday.Just curious - what are most of you doing...
I am currently dealing with a nonpayment problem with Airbnb. In fact three reservations have not been paid. The reservations have been completed with excellent reviews. I was due to be paid for the first one one week ago today and the other two one week ago tomorrow.
Due to problems internal to Airbnb's new identification verification process, they had paused my payouts. Note: I provided all information and am completely without fault in this mess. I was aware of the issue and did everything I could to resolve it prior to these reservations so there would be no problem with payout. Note I have been a host almost since Airbnb began and Superhost through most of that time. I have provided all required information correctly. It seems obvious to me the problem lies with their new ID verification system and they seem unable to work out the bugs, apparently content to let the fallout hurt hosts.
I checked with customer service also prior to the arrivals and was told there was no problem and the payouts would go out. The days for payouts arrived and no payouts. I contacted customer service on the same day. I was told there is no problem shown and the payouts should go out during that day. They did not.
Since then I have been struggling through Airbnb's labyrinthine half automated, non-responsive chat customer service with no result. I have also made contact by phone and had my 'case' escalated to what I was led to believe was a person authorized to release my payouts. They have already acknowledged there is no problem with my account and no impediment to payouts.
But then they give me almost nonsensical blah blah blah saying they have to follow a certain protocol and investigate each line of inquiry with each person who has worked on this... before they can release payment. To this moment I don't understand what she said...and I am a clear-thinking, intelligent person. It was nonsensical. They will give me no estimate of how long this will take. I see no evidence of them working with any urgency. I have no recourse but to wait....to see if the gods of Airbnb deem me worthy of being paid, I suppose. I see no other explanation.
I am finding this to be the worst customer service and most blatantly convoluted, slow, disinterested, courteous -while doing nothing-, customer service I have ever encountered. They appear to have no internal communication within customer service, making it necessary to start with square one on each encounter. There are no replies to questions in the chat. Even on the phone escalated, no one is authorized to do anything including accessing problem solving info or answer specific question aimed at problem solving. It is a joke.
Essentially Airbnb has stolen my payout and at present, I don't see any leverage for forcing them to pay. I am a small business. Not being paid has impact..especially after two years of covid.
What can be done in this situation? Please let me know if you learn anything. Is there some class action suit preparing for those of us being abused in this way? I have people here waiting to be paid, providers and employees. Not that Airbnb cares.
Mientras encontre este articulo sobre otros quejas empezando hace dos años. Aparentamente hubo alegaciones de que airbnb estaba a proposito negando pagar a sus anfitriones para guardar dinero.
Quisier saber si hay alguien mas aqui que ha tenido un problem semejante. Todavia no me han pagado y no han explicado nada. No contesten mis preguntas. Ya han admitido que no hay ningun problem con mi cuenta.
This issue has still not been resolved. It is extremely frustrating. I continuously get the same 4 or 5 comletely useless and empty of information messages recycled in polite language.
1...a team of 'experts' is working on it...can't say how long it will take
2...have to escalate to someone with authority
3...have to investigate, someone will contact you (someday)
4...oh...and primordially 'there is no problem with your account...will escalate for investigation
5...this is my favorite: There is no problem with your account. Payment is sheduled to go out today. (I have received that one ore than once..almost as a cruel joke
There is no apparent order to these messages.
I have still not been paid and I have never been given an exlanation for what is really happening..not one real detail, not one of my questions have e er been answered. This is a shameful display of cavalier exploitation by airbnb of it's hosts.
I cannot be the only one this happens to Eventually this will come back to bit airbnb. A business that depends on the work of others cannot sustain forever while treating them in this way.
Hi @Laura557,
I'm sorry to see that this payment issue is yet to be resolved! I've raised this on my end, and will let you know should I get any more info. 🙂
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Hello Emelie,
This morning I see that two of the three missing payouts have arrived to my account. The third has yet to arrive. I appreciate your help very much. One would tend to think it wasn't a coincidence that right after contacting someone here, after nearly two weeks of crazy and confusing, stalled customer service, there was (partial) solution. If you are able to find out what is happening with the still missing payout, that would be great. Thank you again!
I just realized that I meant this to be addressed to the Twitter airbnb help, not here. . Twitter airbnb help is where I posted yesterday and then see results today.
BTW, everything that was asked for by the regular customer service was either irrelevant to my case or had already been supplied at least twice. At no point did anything that came from the regular customer service, either on chat or on phone, make any sense. This really should not be.
I hope that Airbnb will take the record of this extremely frustrating process seriously and investigate and revamp their customer service. It is wrong to treat your hosts the way I have been treated. As I have investigated this on various help and related platforms, I have found that this is not uncommon on airbnb. Many people complain of similar bizarre and disrespectful experiences with no help on customer service. Polite language does not solve the problem. It needs to be addresssed in a real way.
Your customer service needs to be completely revamped. Aside from that, the source of the stalled payout problem needs to be discovered and actually fixed at engineering level. There is no excuse for a global company dependant on it's hosts to have their system disfunctioning in this way on both points.
And... as I mentioned above, I am still missing one payout.
@Laura557 Thanks for confirming that 2 of the 3 have now arrived safely with you! The team has told me that all of them should be on their way, so hopefully the 3rd one isn't far behind now. 🙂
I appreciate your honest feedback on your experience and the Support team in general, I'll make sure to relay it on my end!
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I have the same issue for over 1 month. I haven't get paid for my last 6 reservations. The amount is too high for me. I've been in touch with customer service for a long time yet there is solution, no proper answer. Please help me.