Hello everyone,
I hope you are having a good day.
I want...
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Hello everyone,
I hope you are having a good day.
I wanted to let you know that we have updated the booking process to ma...
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Hello Everyone,
As constantly reflected here in the Community Center, Airbnb hosts put an incredible amount of time and effort into providing great hosting experiences to guests. This make your time very precious, so it is important that the tools you use on Airbnb are accessible and easy to use.
Recently, many of you have shared ways in which the Airbnb website could be improved to support your hosting activities. It inspired a redesign of the website.
Over the coming weeks, you’ll see changes based on feedback from hundreds of hosts and that have been designed and tested in collaboration with the host community. Here are some of the changes you’ve inspired:
For more information on what the team has learned from your feedback and how you have influenced changes to the site, please take a look at this Airbnb blog article.
We know how important it is to you that you are informed of changes on Airbnb and so we hope you welcome this information. We would love to hear from you, so please do share any thoughts you have on the process and what you think of these changes.
Thank you,
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
Thank you Thank you Thank you! The website was so awkward to use and now it's streamlined. I can't tell you how many times I've used "discouraging words" while navigating the website.
Thanks for this! This appears to respond directly to concerns I have expressed over time. It appears that you used a very participatory and thoughtful process to arrive at these changes. I cannot wait to see and use them!
Hello guys
What about the connection to any chanel manger ?
Will be great ???
And languages about descriptions its a bit like a pain in the ass why are not made as all sites the oroginal language and in the front we translate any language we want ???
3: why i need to connect all rooms to avoid over bookings yes but that way its close all rooms why are not made as reduce the number of room each time somwone reserve a room ??
Thank you for your kind answer
Pozdrav Vesna,
Krivo mjesto za postaviti ovo pitanje ali evo par mojih zakljucaka nakon sto sam kratko pogledala Vasu lokaciju i smjestaj:
-svakako angazirajte Airbnb fotografa(na sto imate pravo besplatno) za profesionalne fotografije jer su postojece ne docaravaju ono sto nudite zbog puno raloga
-izbacite sto je vise toga moguce iz dodatne naplate (poput koristenje klime) jer to samo zbunjuje goste kod bookinga a Vam stvara dodatni angazman tjekom boravka gosta.
-budite brzi (unutar 1h) kod odgovaranja na poruke
-uvijek provjeravajte kako konkurencija dise jer ponekad izgubljenih par EUR-a kod neke rezervacije (da biste dobili gosta) znaci puno vise EUR-a kod novih rezevacija nakon sto inicijalni napisu koliko su bili zadovoljni boravkom kod Vas.
Za sada toliko-nadam se da ce pomoci....za pocetak.
right answer, and thanks to Google I agree
I am pleased you are changing the way we use the calendar. It was near impossible to use. I would give up before I could actually do what I needed to do.
I didn't find the calendar difficult to use, I just couldn't find it when I wanted it! Much easier now.
@Lizzie , thanx for the update, looking forward to it! Tried to go to the Airbnb blog link, did not work for me (i'm on mobile).
Hey @Annette33,
Glad to hear you are pleased to see this.
Aw strange the link isn't working on mobile. I've just checked and it is now working on IOS, you may have another type of phone though. You may have read the blog article already, but just in case here is the link which you can type in if necessary: http://blog.atairbnb.com/new-host-website/
Would be great to hear your thoughts. 🙂
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
If I use my Smart phone, I cannot get all options to review and update my account. On my desktop it is much simpler to retrieve all information on my calendar and payments.
Simplicity is key, took me a long tome to master the old layout and I think many people would give up.
I have asked this before, but have not had a satisfactory answer. The options for hosting are to advertise a single room, or a whole house. I have half a house for airbnb- consisting of 3 bedrooms, a large bathroom, separate toilet and a foyer. It is clearly not a single room. They have their own TV, Frig and part of the kitchen. The upstairs living room is also set aside for them. So, I say it is a whole house.
However, I have had surprise from a few guests on arrival that I am also living in the house. My bedroom and bathroom is quite a long way from the airbnb area. They cannot hear me and I cannot hear them.
The majority of guests are very happy I am there and we have good conversations about their needs for information and other contacts.
Could you please create a third option as a description of the facilities I offer?
@Valerie60, Hi , try putting a phrase such as "I am an Airbnb host who lives at the residence". somewhere noticable for your potential guests.
That should take care of it.
Also when you write to confirm arrangements and checkin procedures. Refer to the fact that you will be at the property.
Here is an extract from my listing details:
Wombats_Glenbrook New South Wales, Australia
Interaction with guests
I am an AirBnb host who lives in the adjacent accommodation onsite, so I am easy to contact if you need me or have any travel questions or queries about facilities in the accommodation.
The contact I have with guests is very dependent on my guests; it's your vacation/visit... after reception and room guidance, your privacy and enjoyment is important to me
Hope this helps yourself and others.
Best regards.