Airbnb offers free housing to those affected by the US ban

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Airbnb offers free housing to those affected by the US ban



Hello everyone,


Many of you have read in the news about the recent limits enforced on immigration into the US. It is not my intention to start a political discussion here, however I wanted to let you all know that Airbnb is working with partners around the world and has set up a tool to help provide free housing to refugees and anyone recently barred from entering the US. If you would like to read more about Brian Chesky's announcement, see here.


If you would like to help and offer support, here is how you can: Volunteer My Home


An excellent Community Center guide has just been created on how to volunteer your home, do take a look here for more guidance. 


Thanks so much to you all. 





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86 Replies 86
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Jeannette0,


Thanks again for your thoughts on this.


The conversation here is turning rather political, which was not my intention with this thread - I just wanted to highlight to hosts who do wish to offer their homes for free, which I acknowledge will not be everyone, that there is a place to do this. 







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Good point.


 Maybe, echoing others here, you can just direct Brian to the comments underneath this post:

Breitbart: Lyft, AirBnB Give ACLU Donations, Free Housing to Protest Trump’s Refugee Policy

This is, pretty much, a fiasco IMHO -- many many regular folks just about to try AirBNB thinking it was a "good business model" now seeing it more as political hackery.

So, bad for business.

I don't understand how his decision to fund the ACLU, which is non-partisan by he way, leads to hosts having very partisan guests. I must be missing something. 

If only the ACLU *were* still nonpartisan.


It sends a message loud and clear that AirBNB is taking sides.

When I heard Airbnb was offering free housing, I said 'easy for them to offer others' living spaces for free.'     It would be great if Airbnb took the financial hit and not the hosts.   

Level 10
Bridport, Australia

Exactly what many were thinking David .


I thought just the same. 

And don't you dare to say you don't want to take credit for someone else's good deeds. Or it wouldn't be "Airbnb offers free housing to those affected b..."

Level 10
Como, CO



It is misleading, too late now and I know it was not your call how this was promoted.


This certainly will not be the last opportunity for Hosts to provide free accomodation and hopefully on future occasions the powers that be will be clear in who is providing the free accomodation.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Thanks for this @David126, it is really important feedback. 🙂


Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

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Level 10
Toronto, Canada



I hope our feelings get conveyed to the "right" people at Airbnb. As @David126 mentioned, Airbnb hosts are offering free stays to those affected by the turnout of events in the US. Airbnb cannot technically offer free housing as it does not own any real estate. 

Has any thought been given to compensate hosts, partially or fully, to support Hosts who are interested in signing up for the cause. As a host, I would want to volunteer for the cause, giving up 85% of my host earning.




That is very generous of you, AirBnB has facilitated prior situations but they have been local, Wild Fire, Tornado's etc and the supposition is that they would be of short duration.


Refugee situations are different as they are global and indefinite. So this seems new ground.


As far as I am aware AirBnB has never subsidised the cost.



That's true, such situations can last a long time. I did not think about that. 


My thoughts and prayers go out to people who are affected by this crisis. 

There seems to be a lot of Tweeting first thinking second going on.


Briebart I have heard of but would not use as a reputable source.


Washington Post hopefully would be considered more accetable.


I read the comments, well some of them, and seems that many thought AirBnB were the ones covering the cost, I think this is a natural assumption from the announcement.




I think most if not all those wishing to provide free accomodation would not be looking to do so indefinitely but to cover a short term need?



The point of the Breitbart link is not so much the article (which actually appears to check out, facts wise) but the comments -- one man  on his way to a $5K trip to Miami says he now will now not give his business to AirBNB.


Thanks for the WaPo links.  Interesting comments there, where people think this is ill-advised politically AND are mistakenly believing AirBNB will pay for the refugees.

"Why doesn't airBNB offer free housing to homeless people? How about other US citizens who need a hand up, because they lost a job or have medical expenses and can't afford the rent? Isn't airBNB a US company? Didn't they make money in the USA? So, in return, they want to help people that the US government has decided are not desirable immigrants, and not US citizens who need help. Phooey on them."

"Airbnb is covering that cost..."
"Did AirBnB get permission from the people who own the homes before offering to house the refugees for free? I assume they will be paying any agreeable homeowners, yes?"

"We can offer you free housing as a p.r. stunt, now that we've displaced literally thousands of Americans from their homes over the past 8 years."

"As much as I appreciate airbnb gesture and offer to help, it is really stupid for them to take publicly any political position."

"Sounds like VRBO will be seeing a significant uptick!"

"AirBNB isn't forcing people to accept guests, they're just covering the costs. It's just that many people aren't anywhere near as narrow-minded as you."

Hi Lizzie,


I've offered a revised, accurate headline for what is going on here.

Would humbly suggest that Brian correct his tweet, and this thread be corrected, to read not:

"Airbnb is providing free housing to refugees"


Since AirBNB corporate is not paying the freight this plan.

A better wording would be:

"Airbnb HOSTS RECRUITED to PROVIDE free housing to those affected by the US ban."

The tweet continues:

"We have 3M homes, so we can definitely find people a place to stay."

Since we are independent contractors, not really a part of the corporation, this should probably be reworded to say instead:

"We EXPECT A DECENT NUMBER OF VOLUNTEERS FROM among our 3 million listings."