I am happy to get my first payment, but I do not understand ...
I am happy to get my first payment, but I do not understand the calculation(see further down). Can someone just tell me where...
With the new hosting restrictions coming into effect in July, does anyone has suggestions on the other 6 months.
Have tried renting it as a furnished apartment previously with disastrous results.
What 180 day hosting period. Is that something specific to where you live @Ollie6 ?
It’s for NSW, Australia
Its happening as we speak on Maui Hawaii
@Ollie6 Any stays longer than 22 days do not count towards the 180 days. Give a great monthly discount and attract longer stays. Since Covid, all of our properties have been averaging 30 day stays - mostly locals renovating or interstate workers. It should balance out so you can be full all year.
Thanks Wendy!
No, it's not longer than 22 days. The exemption applies to any stay of at least 21 days. The actual wording from the framework regulation is below.
Yes, the NSW government could be making this all much clearer.
As NSW-based hosts, we all have to comply with the new rules, some of which are already in force. Making it super-clear to us as hosts which ones apply or not could be better. That said, the Code of Conduct is pretty straightforward and both protects us as hosts and our guests. It's a net-positive step.
The one part that remains unclear for me is when NSW will make the short-term accomodation register available so that we can register our properties, and how that might be implemented in the context of Airbnb, who will be required to show our registration details.
New news today that the changes now will be delayed for 3 months so changes will apply to November instead of July.
Does anyone have any updates on this?
Specifically for those who have a property that is a fulltime Air BnB? Im based in NSW Inner City of Sydney and it appears that I will have to either rent it out only 6 months (180 days) or say its hosted?