90-night limit reached in London

Level 1
Brentford, United Kingdom

90-night limit reached in London

After 6 months hosting on Airbnb, the app tells me that I have reached my 90-night limit and can no longer host.


Support tells me that I will receive an email from Hounslow Council telling me how to gain an exemption.


Has anyone received one of these emails from their local council?

Top Answer
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hello @Phillip447 


You can only get an exemption if you apply for planning permission to operate short term lets outside of the 90 days. I don't know of any Council in London that is granting this .


Knowing when you started up there was a 90 day limit in London what are your plans for letting outside of the 90 day limit .i believe you can still accept longer lets ie two or three months but check the STR regulations on the London government website 

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4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hello @Phillip447 


You can only get an exemption if you apply for planning permission to operate short term lets outside of the 90 days. I don't know of any Council in London that is granting this .


Knowing when you started up there was a 90 day limit in London what are your plans for letting outside of the 90 day limit .i believe you can still accept longer lets ie two or three months but check the STR regulations on the London government website 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Phillip447 😊

Thank you for bringing this question to the community!


Did our host Helen help clarify the situation for you?

Let us know if you need any further support!


Warm regards, 🌻



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Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Phillip447 , did you manage to find a solution to this? If not, send me a message, I may be able to help.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hi @Gavin242 


Can you share your solution here as it would be helpful for all London hosts .