A recent message from Airbnb says that it will collect sales...
A recent message from Airbnb says that it will collect sales tax for reservations made after March 15. I assume I have to co...
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Hi @Khizar1
Sorry to hear about this.
Did you contact Airbnb Support to find out why the listing was suspended?
Hi Jenny,
Thanks for reaching out. I am in contact with the safety team. A couple of days after highlighting the smoking issue and claiming the fine, I was accused for something by the guests; therefore, the safety team suspended my account. I will add details later. I am not sure if it is appropriate now.
Thanks for checking though,
Thank you @Khizar1 , for the updates! Please keep us posted in case there are further developments. We hope this gets resolved for you soon!
Hi Bhumika and any other host,
Thanks for your response. I have a couple of questions and will appreciate your help. The guests are still staying at my place (in the basement) and we are not feeling safe since I have been accused for something already. I have asked AirBNB to cancel their reservation, but AirBNB is keep saying that our specialized team is working on it. As per my understanding, urgent cases are solved within 48-72 hours. However, I do not understand why AirBNB is taking too long to cancel the reservation? Can you please tell me under which section (code), I can cancel the reservation myself? It has become a nightmare for me and my family, and a serious safety concern. I will appreciate your quick response.
Hi @Khizar1, I was able to find this link where it outlined in which circumstances a Host can cancel a stay from their side and has some more information about cancellation fees: https://www.airbnb.co.uk/help/article/990.
I hope you are able to go through it and have some answers to your ask!
Hello @Khizar1,
We are delighted to hear this news 😊.
Looking forward to seeing you around here in the Community.
I’m currently have the same issue! Day 6 now with NO explanation because I called “Safety Support” to get their advice on what needs to happen with 15+ very young people having a hard alcohol (bottles found by cleaning crew) party. I got suspended for an “investigation” by the way, guest never complained. Asked about 5-6 times what am I being investigated for? No answer! This needs to change!!! I’m furious. I have 71 5.0 reviews!!!!! Only thing support said was my Nest doorbell camera that is listed twice didn’t have the words “motion detected” on it. Still suspended even tho I added the words. I WANT guest to know I have a camera!!! This is so wrong!!!!!
Hi Leah,
I am sorry to hear that. If you have disclosed your audio/video recording devices in your listing, you should be completly fine as long as you have declare them and they do not affect the guests's privacy. I don't understand what you are being investigated for. I hope your case get resolved soon.
Khizar I am facing the exacrt situation right now. The pot smoking guests were caught red handed ( and they have explicitly accepted $1000 fine) and asked to leave then they left some kind of safety/uncomfortable accusation and now my account is suspended.
Send photos of what you found to the "safety team"....keep on to the help centre until someone gets in touch with you directly. Leave your review for the guest! A different lot will help you to remove any retaliatory review! Good luck!...I have only just sorted out being suspended and having a retaliatory review removed.
did you ever get a resolution to this? that is exactly what just happened to me, all 5-star reviews and some teens make a complaint after we caught them with drugs and now my account is suspended with no new info