
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Advice on early check in requests

Level 2
Evergreen, CO

Advice on early check in requests


 I bought the cutest cabin for $400k in 2020 after working 60+ hours a week since 2016. Found out I could build a guest house next to it and started working 90 hours a week flipping eggs and bacon at 4am and running home all greasy to day job for a few years, spent over $150k on the build. Still working 80 hours a week remote to pay it off.  Moved into guest house and air bnb main house. Cleaning it myself- no labor up here.  I’m getting great reviews but everyone loves the cabin so much 95% of my guests want to check in literally 5 hours early. Like they are so excited to get here they are trying to punch the code in 1 minute before their 5 hour early check in. It’s really starting to tax me trying to turn it faster for these early check ins. Some of them are driving from out of state and I understand but also some locals just wanna leave the city and relax longer. Same request all around. I’m a single woman and electric and firewood and other costs adding up. If I was a guest being asked to pay for extra time would not sound hospitable, but at the same time this isn’t fair to my regular guests to have to check out on time so someone else can arrive 5 hours early for free. The only way I see it- to make things fair for everyone- is to either not allow early check in or to charge like $15/hr extra. Please let me know your thoughts. 

4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa


If I could request only one modification to the Airbnb system, I would ask for a warning screen to pop up when the guest clicks "Reserve". It should read "This listing does not offer flexible check-in and check-out times. Check in is from X and check out is by Y. Would you like to proceed?"

Hi @Deanna296,

It sounds like your cabin is a huge hit—congratulations on all the hard work! When it comes to early check-ins, it’s important to balance guest satisfaction with your own time and energy, especially considering the amount of work you’re putting in.

Here are a few approaches you could consider:

  1. Set a Clear Policy: You can limit early check-ins entirely or allow them for a fee (e.g., $15/hour). This not only covers extra costs like cleaning, electricity, and firewood but also compensates for the additional work you're doing to prepare the cabin earlier. Guests will understand that it's a fair way to accommodate everyone.

  2. Offer Flexibility for a Price: If you decide to allow early check-ins for those who request it, make sure to clearly communicate the fee in your listing or when guests inquire. This can be positioned as an extra service that requires an additional charge due to the extra effort and cost involved.

  3. Automate Early Check-In Requests: You can add an automated message to your booking process that outlines your check-in policy, including the availability and cost of early check-ins. This can set expectations upfront and reduce the number of surprise requests.

  4. Communicate the Benefit: Frame it as a way to ensure the space is perfectly clean and ready for their stay. Explain that the extra time needed for regular check-out is to provide the best experience for all guests, and offering early check-ins without a fee wouldn’t allow you to maintain the same quality.

Implementing a small fee for early check-ins helps manage the extra workload and balances things fairly between guests, while also giving those who need flexibility an option. It’s important to protect your time and energy, especially given how much you’ve put into making your cabin such a success!

Level 2
Cayman Islands

Hi @Deanna296 


I also have been trying to balance management of early check-ins. I like your proposal of $15/Hr.

As it gives the Guests a way to understand the Costs of such an "Extra" service.


I have also seen other Hosts set a threshold, for example: 


1. If the stay is more than 5-nights, they will accommodate early check-in requests.

2. If the stay is more than $1,500.00 they will accommodate the early check-in requests.


Outside of those parameters, Early check in was 1/2 of the normal cleaning fee ($50.00) Same applies for late check-out requests.


Kind Regards,

Craig Nixon

Love this idea Craig thank you! Yes running around for these young 1-2 day renters who don’t appreciate the favor is not serving my business well!