Hi all, hoping you can help! AirBnB have repeatedly asked me to confirm my tax status recently, and every time I have selected ‘other’ in the country options as I’m in the UK.
But despite this, they have started withholding US taxes. I have no idea why they suddenly think (after a decade of hosting) that I should be paying tax in the US.
I am a UK citizen, the listing is in the UK, payouts are to a UK bank account, my address on my account (the same one that hasn’t changed since I started hosting many years ago) is in the UK, etc. I have given them tons of evidence of my UK residency including bank statements, pet insurance, recent car MOT bill, last year’s tax overview from HMRC showing that I paid tax on the property income in the UK (and income from my job in the UK), utility bills, etc. They are ignoring all of it and saying they won’t resume my payouts unless I complete US tax forms. I’ve asked to escalate it but keep being told there is nobody more senior that can deal with it which seems crazy. All I need is somebody with a bit of common sense to look at the evidence I’ve given and mark my tax obligations on my account as UK only.
Help! What can I do? This has been going on for weeks now and I’m getting to the point where I am just going to close my account and go with VRBO instead, leaving lots of people with bookings in the months ahead suddenly finding their bookings cancelled, but I really don’t think it’s fair to do that to the guests.
Has anybody ever taken AirBnB to the small claims court? That seems to be my only other option.