Airbnb Cleaning Company

Level 1
Houston, TX

Airbnb Cleaning Company

Hello, I am looking for a Airbnb cleaning company in Houston, TX to perform reoccurring cleanings on a large house (8 bedrooms/8 bathrooms) every weekend in the Heights area. Please send me some recommendations! This will always have to be a 3-4 person job, we cannot do just a one person cleaner which is why I am requesting a company. Thank you!

4 Replies 4
Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hey @Farah68, and welcome back to the Community Center - it's been a while! 🎊


It's definitely worth asking some other Hosts in your area who might be able to recommend some companies, so I'm tagging in a few I've spotted from Houston. 

@Lala89,  @Tina8943 and @Scott1957, do you have some ideas to share with @Farah68?



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Hello, I currently operate Fresh Inc Service, it’s a cleaning service located here in Houston.  Are you still looking for a cleaning service? 

I have a home in Cleveland Texas that I will be starting to rent out, can we talk later this week of you would be available? 

Level 2
South Houston, TX

I am a host and own a B&B service company.  We would love to chat with you and add you to our family of Host.  Besides being a host, we also only service B&Bs.





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