Airbnb didn t pay me for the reservation

Airbnb didn t pay me for the reservation

I had guests from airbnb at the beegining of juni.Airbnb send payments day after guest check in.

Ppayment arrived 121€ less that should.It was written that there was deduction for cancelled( by guest ) reservation in 2020!!!

In past 2020 guest cancelled reservation and wanted refund.She was not qualified for free cancelation so i declined to refund her.Then she asked airbnb to help her and they also declined to refund her.I sent messages to airbnb and also caled them and they told me that i should get full payment and that there was some mistake.They told me not to worry.Still they haven t payed me my earned money and after my more messages they ignore me now.

Why airbnb stoled my money and how to get it back?Is going public solution for this, atorney or what?

Last year "because of corona" they took a lot of money from us and returned to guests that was not ok from their side and now they are using with dirty ways to make us more damage.

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Quilcene, WA

@Nikolina2 see dispute resolution options for your region here:


In a similar circumstance, I won a judgment against Airbnb in small claims court (US).