Airbnb not releasing my payouts
11:42 AM

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11:42 AM
Airbnb not releasing my payouts
Hello, I am reasonably new to Airbnb and all was going well until it came to releasing my payouts. To minimise bank transfer charges I set a minimum amount which was reached on 7 March. I waited the required day but it never came. I contacted Airbnb Support on 15 March and they've been "looking into it" ever since. Initially, there were encouraging replies to my enquiries, promising that all was being done to resolve the situation, these past 4 days, however, they have gone silent and are not responding at all.
I was horrified, searching this community, to find that it is not an uncommon occurrence. Please, how have others had their issue resolved? How do I get them to send my payout? By the way, my account is all in order - I had this much confirmed to me by Airbnb Support on 15 March ("I have analysed your account with my team and everything seems to be ok, I cannot find any glitch present and all the information seems to be provided and verified by you.").
Please if anyone can help I would be most grateful. Airbnb is holding a lot of money which is rightfully mine.
With thanks
64 Replies 64
06:09 PM

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06:09 PM
I currently have the same issue, I am an Airbnb experience host and have completed experiences that airbnb has taken payment for but cannot set up a payout method. every time the payout method is issued a reply is given after it has failed that the details are incorrect. the issued details have been verified by the bank as correct. every time I issue the details it takes 10 days for the payout to be confirmed or not in this case, im now on my 8th attempted with the airbnb team unwilling to send me to the finance department to resolve the issue. as every time they want me to verify the details... how many times do we need to go down this road and get now where. if this is the level of customer service from Airbnb I would not recommend using Airbnb for hosting at all. 24h customer service with no help.
if you wish to prove me wrong Airbnb please pick up the phone and sort out this issue rather than holding on to 1000's of euros of my money and ignoring the problem.
06:09 PM
12:17 PM

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12:17 PM
Update - Airbnb has promised that I would be contacted within 3 hours by a supervisor, its now been 48 hours since the last contact. No attempt of contact has been made.
12:17 PM
08:48 PM

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08:48 PM
Update - ok ... I think I am there ! ... Airbnb have not been helpful, actually they have been worse then useless, I have been struggling with connecting my bank with the payout method, they have specifically told me that certain bank numbers that begin with 301, 302, 303, 47422, 423, 426 are not supported by the system. Luckily my bank does not have one of these codes. Ive repeatedly tried many different variants, and what has worked when inputting the payout method details in is that I have put the bank address in rather than my own address. Also the payout method is in euros rather than my local currency. I made sure that the IBAN is correct by using an external IBAN checker. I also double checked the swift code too.
I hope this helps someone as according to a shift supervisor the payout methods are an external system that are not run by airbnb, so airbnb can't actually help with this process.
Good luck
06:52 AM

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06:52 AM
I have the same problem, I'm waiting my money more then 3 weeks
they constantly deny the problem, coming up with a new excuse each time, then they wrote that the bank is to blame, then that the country where I’m born, after they wrote that Ukraine blame 🤦🏾, some wrote you need to wait because the bank is still processing, I heard 10 versions from 10 different Airbnb support ambassador, but every time I tried to convey to them that this is not normal, they just ignored me, I called 30 times, wrote 30 -40 more times, I have about 15k on hold and they ignore me as soon as they can
02:41 PM

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02:41 PM
Hello I am having the same issues here in Canada. I am owed 2,000$ and counting. I have upcoming guests. I am considering cancelling them if this keeps on happening. Thoughts ??
No one is able to provide an actual response.
08:49 PM
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08:49 PM
check my response
08:49 PM
03:45 AM
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03:45 AM
Hi VIctor , I'm currently experiencing the same thing, I'm a new host having issues getting paid and my second guests are arriving in 2 days, I have a 13 days stays upcoming thinking of call myancelling , I have blocked all my calendar dates until this gets resolved but from what I'm reading so far it does not sound promissing; I have never entered a swift code not sure if that's needed for canadian hosts now but the system never asked me for that info. also, apparently there is a fee for wire transfer currency change fees, airbnb never informed me of this ...this would not make sense for a short stay what payout options is best for canadian hosts? I don't have a lot of confidence in paypal ??
10:19 PM

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10:19 PM
@Elaine814 I have been hosting on airbnb for 5 years now. Periodically reading about horrific payout issues. Always related to bank payout methods or airbnb glitches with bank payout methods. I have always used PayPal and have always received my payout the day or day after a guest arrives.
10:19 PM
06:53 PM

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06:53 PM
I have the same problem, I'm waiting my money more than 4 weeks, they constantly deny the problem, coming up with a new excuse each time, firstly wrote that perhaps there is some problem with a bank, then some problems with listings that actually don’t use any more ( in Ukraine) then that payout method is not right and have me to change it, some of support team promise that payouts will be in 48 hours ( empty words) I heard at least 8 versions from 8 different Airbnb support ambassador, but every time I tried to convey to them that this is not normal, disappointing and frustrating, but they give me another excuse or promises and basically ignore me, I called 20 time or maybe more , I have written messages them at least 30 -40 or more, I have about 15k on hold. And favourite thing that Airbnb support says is “special team” will contact me back.. I wait already second month- WHEN that magic team finally solve my issue ( actually theirs issue) It is like a battle for your payouts. You do continue to work - host people and don’t receive anything at all. Service is unfair and frustrating!!
08:10 PM

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08:10 PM
Same issue here. Payments have slowly bee trickling in which is good but I’m still missing several. It is quite annoying and difficult to have to deal with all these issues especially when you have multiple “ambassadors” giving you multiple excuses and always different answers and blaming the receiving bank. I will continue reaching out to them but also am considering reaching out to a local news outlet to see if they can bring this issue more to light. This seems to be an ongoing issue as can be seen with all the various complaints that can be found online and on this thread. It’s unacceptable !
10:52 PM

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10:52 PM
Hi everybody
I have the same problem !!! I waited three weeks for the payouts , the support simply ignored me, told different versions and all of them were not true, I heard a lot of answers about a special team, as well as about a special person, I was partially paid, but this happened after three weeks and this is not the whole amount !! I'm still waiting for about 5k and I've been waiting for more than a month, Help us someone, the support is ignoring us!!! AIRBNB GET OUR MONEY BACK PLEASE!
05:52 PM

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05:52 PM
Did anybody get anywhere with this? We are still waiting for payouts and getting nowhere. Does anybody have any advice on legal proceedings? Many thanks.
05:52 PM
11:16 AM

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11:16 AM
I have 2 issues with Payout that I haven`t received.
1) I am waiting for my Payout for 1 month already, and money stuck in the middle somewhere. It need to reach my bank account but unfortunately it not, Payout shows as a Completed.
My bank told me that only sender can track transaction what Airbnb doesn`t want to do.
Still waiting no success and here comes the second problem which is mention below with new guest.
2) I have a new guest and I had updated my Payout method to Western Union, because previously as I mentioned before I had a problem with bank account, new Payout is still in Upcoming after 48 hours from the Check-In and not released yet. They are telling me that this is technical issue, you need to wait without any expectations.
I am desperate and so disappointed in this giant company, they just ignore, do nothing.
I have 2 ongoing issues. Believe me its very difficult to resolve this kind of issues, only stress and problem with health with a lot of debts and bills.
11:16 AM
01:20 AM

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01:20 AM
Hello everyone! The same thing is happening to me right now. I’ve spoken to 4 different support reps and they first said there was an error with my payout, then tried to say it was my account, however, I squashed that idea quickly since all of my previous payouts have been to the same bank account. Lastly, they said my payout was frozen and I will be contacted by a specialist and now my case has been “marked as urgent”. The support reps have been told to say the same thing like robots. All lies!
01:20 AM
07:29 AM

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07:29 AM
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07:29 AM