A recent message from Airbnb says that it will collect sales...
A recent message from Airbnb says that it will collect sales tax for reservations made after March 15. I assume I have to co...
Hello, I am reasonably new to Airbnb and all was going well until it came to releasing my payouts. To minimise bank transfer charges I set a minimum amount which was reached on 7 March. I waited the required day but it never came. I contacted Airbnb Support on 15 March and they've been "looking into it" ever since. Initially, there were encouraging replies to my enquiries, promising that all was being done to resolve the situation, these past 4 days, however, they have gone silent and are not responding at all.
I was horrified, searching this community, to find that it is not an uncommon occurrence. Please, how have others had their issue resolved? How do I get them to send my payout? By the way, my account is all in order - I had this much confirmed to me by Airbnb Support on 15 March ("I have analysed your account with my team and everything seems to be ok, I cannot find any glitch present and all the information seems to be provided and verified by you.").
Please if anyone can help I would be most grateful. Airbnb is holding a lot of money which is rightfully mine.
With thanks
Hi, I'm also experiencing same payout problem and no answers from airbnb! This is very weird, seems like the company is having big financial difficulties.
@Lincoln-Real-Estate0 I'm sorry to hear about this ... it sounds like you have already contacted the Support teams about this, I will try and raise it for you as well. Keep us updated please!
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Hi @Jackie697 and @Jeremiah94,
I'm really sorry to hear you've been facing similar issues lately. I've raised both of your cases on my end and nudged the team, if I get any updates for either of you I will send you a message here!
Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines
Hi Emilie,
The main account is under my mom Christina. I'm the co-host and help her run everything. The team may need that info so just letting you know. Thanks for any help. @Emilie
Hello. I haven't received money from Airbnb for over two months. I am the superhost there. I should get over $6600. I wrote to them, but no one wants to help me. This is my profile: airbnb.ru/users/show/59960578. I am in a hopeless position. Please help solve this problem.
Did anybody get anywhere with this? We are still waiting for payouts and getting nowhere. Does anybody have any advice on legal proceedings? Many thanks.
HI Anita,
Yes, after 3 weeks of waiting for a resolution, I went into my account and changed my contact to my personal cell #. I've been hosting for a year and never had an issue with payouts using a mobile phone dedicated for Airbnb. I was getting impatient and just thought of this and within 10 mins of changing to my personal cell#, I started to get emails showing all my payouts being released. I'm happy I got my $ but I wish all the engineers, etc. on the payroll could have told me this weeks ago?? I guess after they added more security features it's important to make sure your contact matches the bank account information, even if you didn't have to do this before.
does anybody here received their payouts already? .. having same issue as well, now pending 3 payouts to process and it's on the 4th week now asking help to the Support center but still no resolution..
Hey did get your payouts already? also, are you from the Philippines too? I am having the same issue with my payouts and the Airbnb support was no help. my cancer progressed faster than the Airbnb Support. Just trying to be funny, but yeah, I hope they will address this issue as soon as possible.
I was having issues with the payouts being sent to my bank account but then I switched over to PayPal. Never had an issue since.
@Victor-Santiago0 do you mean that you just add your PayPal as the payment method for Airbnb to pay you? I'm having issues right now, too. Guest arrived on August 27th and I still have not been paid, even though I've been talking to someone at customer service every day. They only pawn me off on another person and say they can't help me, then someone will promise the money will be in my bank account within 24 hours. But it never is. My mortgage is late because of this. I wonder how stable their company is right now,.sounds shaky and makes me nervous
Well I had to jump through hoops to get my money. I changed the payout method for subsequent payouts and haven’t had an issue since.
Update: Finally received my payout..
Just to share not sure if this works for you but I'm desperate so I put the matter in my own hands.. here's what I did
1. I deleted the bank account with the outstanding payouts
2. Re-register the same back account
3. Add back this same bank account to the pending payouts
after 2 days, I received the payouts, it reflected to the bank account.
How did you Add the bank account to the pending payouts?