Notify SEC and let them know the endless list of complaints from Hosts and Guests not having the level of service from ABB BPO'S ( Business Process Outsourcing) because they can investigate and hold people to account .
Include a copy of all the Topics in ABB Community where people have not been paid.
We understand "Telus International" are the main contracted agent and it is endless Self Employed operators who may not be following basic Information Technology Act or Telecommunication and Internet Acts, offenses include but are not limited to offense codes as a servant ( yes that's still a word in use), forgery, cheating punishment for forgery, damage to computer etc.
You may also like to include in your written communication with ABB Support a request and notification of the Agents Business License ( as is required of ABB Business Operators who are required to be licensed- not everyone fits into this category);, because a number of Business Processing Operators in these places are not complying with our countries Regulations and ABB own policies as they are using AI as opposed to understanding Options and Rule of Law and need to be held to account.
We keep an eye under news on them and notice there's been Outsourcing centres related to ABB shut down for breaches of various laws.
It raises serious questions as to who has been failing to provide contractual service obligations and breaking laws.
It is up to the CEO of a business to ensure BPO's are operating in compliance.