Airbnb support closed my ticket without any response?

Level 1
Melbourne, Australia

Airbnb support closed my ticket without any response?

Hi everyone,


We recently had a bad review from our guests and trying to make a dispute to Airbnb Superhost support but they customer service seems very poor. They just close the request without providing further information. Is there anyway I can make a complaint to Airbnb about this?

The support is like (not exactly like this)
Me: Hi, I want to dispute a review from ABC, is it possible?
Support: As I told you before, no we can't (This is the first time we ever made a dispute, they haven't told us anything yet)
Me: Oh, this is the first time we ever make the complaint, I believe violate Airbnb review policy, here are the reasons: 5 of them
Support: Unfortunately, this review cannot be removed (without providing anything)

**Case closed by support**

I just at least want them to look at my reason and provide some feedback about that. So open another case.
Me: Can you review my message and let me know why it can't be removed

**Case closed by support** (No response, nothing)

This is very unprofessional from Airbnb Support, it's like one sentence response (or not at all) and close the case.

Kind regards,

1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hello @Ngoc-T3 👋


I'm really sorry to read about your recent experience. It's been a little while since you posted, I wondered if the situation had been addressed by customer support? 

Looking forward to hearing from you, 



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