Alteration Request Auto Price Drop

Level 1
Golden, CO

Alteration Request Auto Price Drop

Has anyone else experienced your nightly price dropping when an alteration is requested?


We have a minimum of $125/night and do some manual price adjustments for special events nearby.


However, we received an alteration request. One night added for $25/night. We accepted absentmindedly, but contacted Airbnb for an explanation. It might have been a manual input error on our part. It was a bug we were told by support.


We though it was just a fluke until we received another request for alteration and that price was also $25/night. 

there appears to be a error going on the alteration request side of the site. Double check the alteration requests. 

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Maria14833 if you had a large weekly discount set then an extra night could actually give a negative price for the extra night booked

Level 1
Neptune Beach, FL

Same issue twice now, @Maria14833 . What's the solution? Did support help out?

Level 1
Sound Beach, NY

Same thing has happened to me twice. Caught it the first time but also absentmindedly accepted the request change the second time. I sent a reservation update to my guest and explained the glitch, but they have yet to respond with the updated (accurate) payment. Not sure why this keeps happening. Only replying here to keep track of this thread and if AirBnB resolves this problem.