Are Airbnb rentals legal in Oakland, CA?

Level 2
Oakland, CA

Are Airbnb rentals legal in Oakland, CA?

Oakland's zoning rules are difficult to understand!  It appears that one canNOT be an Airbnb host unless one runs a B&B, hotel or motel or the property is located in an approved zoning area.  So why do I see quite a few Airbnb rentals listed in Oakland, CA?  How do other hosts abide by Oakland's rules & regulations with their Airbnb rentals?


Please advise!  This is my 2nd request -- referring me to the city's rules & regs does not help me. Would really love some help here, especially if you are an Airbnb host in Oakland!  In appreciation, your neighbor, jean

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Placencia, Belize

If they are prohibited,  it is doubtful anyone running an Airbnb rental there would confess it publicly here. They may well be members of the not-so-secret society that believes it is easier to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission. 🤔