Új házigazda vagyok. Kifizetések beállításánál a bankszámlaadatok megadásánál mi az a Bank kód? Soha nem hallottam még erről. Az MBH Bank honlapján sem találtam meg és a számlakivonaton sem szerepel. Valaki tudna segíteni?
I'm a new host and I'm trying to set up payments. What is the Bank code under 'entering bank account information'? I've never heard of this before. I didn't find it on the MBH Bank website and it is not included in any of the account statements. Can someone help?
Did you happen to reach out to your bank to confirm what could be the bank code for your banking account?
I am not quite sure if this article would help you for Adding a payout method , but it would be a good idea to reach both Airbnb Customer Support as well as your bank to get more information around bank codes.
Did you happen to reach out to your bank to confirm what could be the bank code for your banking account?
I am not quite sure if this article would help you for Adding a payout method , but it would be a good idea to reach both Airbnb Customer Support as well as your bank to get more information around bank codes.