My name is Rasrody I run a cottage there on west endbut am l...
My name is Rasrody I run a cottage there on west endbut am looking for a cleanerif anyone knew how I can get one good person ...
At first i got an email that said my new payout method has been verified (in the apps my pending status is gone), and then 1 or 2 days after the email, my payout method have this message "! Can't process payouts. Remove and try adding again.", This happen again and again even after i make a several new bank account and make sure my bank guy to put the right data to my airbnb, and when i ask customes service also don't know why this is happen, until now i still can't receive my payout, what should i do?
Hi @Ary10155 😊,
I am sorry about that!
As you posted a few days ago, I wanted to check if there are any new updates to your situation.
Have you reached out to the Customer Support Team?
Warm regards, 🌻
How is it Ary?
Have you receive the payment?
I already use 2 different account, verified, payment sent, then get the exact message like you "! Can't process payouts. Remove and try adding again."
Contact support 4 times, the last contact said "I'm forwarding your inquiry now to a member of our team who can better assist you. They'll be getting in touch with you soon. In the meantime, please feel free to respond to this message with any further questions or concerns."
And 5 days later... No update or any response.....
I finally tried another bank and finally succeeded, maybe there are some local banks that don't cooperate with Airbnb so the account can't be entered
Congratulations!!! May i know which bank you use? I have no luck using BCA
@Hachi-B0 I already tried 2 BCA account, bank mega account, permata bank account and it's all failed, last i try mandiri and its worked.
Thanks for the info, same with me 2 BCA account failed, i've finally succeed using BTPN account and i saw sender using DOKU payment gateway from Mandiri Account. Strange indeed
Thanks again anyway 😃