Hi - I'm wanting to rent out my garden unit as I'm unable to...
Hi - I'm wanting to rent out my garden unit as I'm unable to rent it long term (personal reasons, its fully to code). It is t...
All of mine are a lot less than 25% of what I would have normally recieved through my cancellation policy!
The updated info on my dashboard showing support payment amounts is incorrect....I just checked back through the emails I recieved at the time of cancellation and the amounts are different!
Looks like we are being mislead and screwed over....AGAIN!
Anyone else noticing this?
Yes this seems like a scam. All of mine are somewhere between 1-5% instead of 25%. When I bring this up to customer service they tell me someone will get back to me
Forget superhost relief I've received a miniscule percentage of the 25 percent assistance. NoINo explanation provided. If its merely an Airbnb private relief program i suppose they can do with their $250 million assuming it's paid out to hosts as they wish even if unethical considering the company pledge. If ithe funding is the result of government assistance to airbnb meant to support hosts well I m not receiving anything near the promise, paltry.
I have questions, and there's no one to ask. Hopefully my situation is an isolated error otherwise I'm guessing im not alone. Promise so far broken and no one to to address too at Airbnb. For me anyway the promise was hope and the delivery tragic and shameful. Hopefully it's an error. Bothered that the goodwill PR message is Airbnb is here for hosts. I've hosted well over 500 guests as a superhost consistently. For now Airbnb isn't here for me and further so far the pledge far from honored.
PR or sincerity? What is going on? Any answer from Airbnb sincerely appreciated. Please contact me.
Yes I did noticed that they finally paid me for one cancellation and it was way less than 25% I Received $109.09. For just one cancellation of a reservation which I have six of them. 😏
Airbnb have said they will not pay us for all cancellations at once, but stagger the payments monthly, so it is not unusual for you to recedive only one payment for now and have to wait for the rest.
What is more worrying is that @Andrew1928 and many other hosts are now reporting that they are getting a fraction of the 25%. If you had a Strict cancellation policy and the guest cancelled within the time frame for a 50% refund, you should get 12.5% of the booking amount. Has anyone actually received this?
I haven't gotten any payments yet. They are not showing in my transaction history. They are showing on my cancelled reservations page, but with no monetary amount, just a dash where that should be. However, when this does eventually come through, I am now expecting it to be the wrong amount and to have another lengthy battle with Airbnb CS on my hands.
We haven't received payments but 'most' are showing as "scheduled" with the amount. They cover April and May. They are all lower but not by a massive amount. All at about 21/22% of the 50% cancellation.
There are two that show "pending". There is no rhyme nor reason for that as they are both at the beginning of May, and there are others late May that are already scheduled for payment. Doesn't relate to when they were cancelled either. All the bookings meet the requirements so I haven't got a clue about it!
where are you checking the status of "scheduled"?
You should be able to view them now on your dashboard, under Reservations > Cancelled (desktop)
You will First receive a email from Airbnb . then you will see it on your app for up-and-coming payments then you will see how much you will receive in not until then.
last night at 11:30 Pm another guests just canceled for June and I’m not getting one goddamn penny! And remind you they just send out that blast email out, half an hour prior about any cancellations in June we would not get paid. I then all of a sudden a guest decided to cancel in June .
really 😏🤨
I have received the payment and it was actually higher than we were expecting because two guests had paid in full, and we thought they'd only paid 50%. I can't make sense of the payment, to be honest, but we're just going with it since it is better than expected. It almost makes up for the reservation that ABB wouldn't include because they canceled FOR COVID 2 days prior to 3/15 (they were coming from Europe and the US closed our borders to them).
I’m happy to hear that but I’m curious how much did they pay you ? because I only received $109.00 for them cancel my guests reservation. 😊
They paid exactly 25% of what I would have gotten back. So whatever was paid by the guest (that's where we were surprised - 2 guests paid their reservations in full and THEN canceled) divided by 2, then * 0.25. I am, so far from what I'm reading here, one of the only people whose csv file sent by ABB makes sense. I do think I'm an anomaly, and I think it's probably because I only had a handful of March cancellations so may have been easier for them to figure out or have algorithms analyze. I also have a strict policy so it's very straight forward.
3 reservations came out to $740. We thought it would be $400, but the difference was the full payment by guests just before canceling.
@Huma0 yes I did recieve payment its was less than 12% . I would like to know if anyone have recieved the $5000,- relieve funds . Am still waiting for their invitation email .
Sorry for the late response. I only received one payment and that was the correct amount, but I had other cancellations for bookings after 31st May and, of course, Airbnb gave full refunds to the guests without any compensation for the host.
I never received an invitation to apply for the Superhost fund and don't know of anyone that did. However, another host told me she had heard from some people who received payments from this and none of them actually fit the specified criteria, e.g. they owned many properties. They were not asked to provide any evidence of financial burden. What they did have in common was that they all had high end listings in wealthy areas and had all been very active in promoting Airbnb in the media or on social media, where they had a large following.
Very disappointing to hear this, but maybe not so surprising.
My property manager has kept all of the COVID 19 support payments from multiple properties of mine? This does not seem correct to me? We were a shared host and I let him list my property on his account. Someone, please uncloud the waters for me with their thoughts.