Chnage Payonee Account

Chnage Payonee Account

Hello all,


Starting this conversation, as there seems be no right answer to the issue I'm facing.

When I opened my AirBnB account, for payments, I used my doughters payoneer account.

After some time, we wanted to chnage this, as I wanted to have fund go to my account, instead of having her deal with AirBnB funds.


I found a way how to add another payoneer account, however, once I tried I ended up fitting the same page, photo attached.Payoneer Issue.png

Not sure what does this page means.

I tried contacting Payoneer support, however, they had a system issue and could not assist on Live Chat.


Have anyone ever had this issue? Could you please advise to me that could be causing this issue?
My Payoneer account has been approved and in use for months now, so pretty sure it should not be in ''Pending'' state, as I saw some people mentioned it.


Could you please give me some waypoints on how to resolve this?


Thank you.

Kind regards,


3 Replies 3

Hello all,


Following up on my topic.

I have confirmed a proper procedure for chaning a Payoneer account your funds are going to.


If you open a new, or simply want to chnage a Payoneer account for your AirBnB, you need to take following steps:

1. Log into your current, active, Payoneer account.

2. Go to Business Network - Select Companies.

3. There, you'll see a Payee ID for your AirBnB account. This Payee matches your AirBnB account ID.

4. Contact Payoneer support and request this Payee to be removed from your account. (I have not found a way to remove it on my own).

5. You'll need to go through a verification process, however everything should be completed in 1 week.

6. Once this is completed, you can go to your AirBnB account and add new Payoneer account as your payout method.


It seems like that as long as you have one Payoneer linked to your AirBnB, you cannot connect it to a different Payoneer account.


Hope this article helps anyone who ecounters this issue in the future.


Kind regards.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Thanks, @Sanja227 for coming back and updating us with this new information. As you said, it will definitely help others who will refer to this thread.🌻


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Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

I spent 4 months trying to add a new payoneer card number to my Airbnb account,  I also wrote here about that. I took 4 months - both payoneer customer service and Aribnb senior staff - to resolve it. This morning finally the payouts started to land on my payoneer accont. I was also always getting the same message as you state above and couldn't resolve it on my own. I found this forum extremely useful then, as  admins (Bhumika) stumbled upon my issue and helped to escalate it.