Cleaning Fees

Level 1
Mesogi, Cyprus

Cleaning Fees

How does this work, it seems to be different for my latest bookings.


I used to charge £30 fee, no problem.


However my cleaner has expressed how demanding and time consuming this work can be and so i agreed to increase the cleaning fee to £35 but on my latest bookings its charging guests £45 and suddenly including a 'Linen' fee which we had previously set at £10 and obviously forgotten about. However i have checked all previous bookings and there is no added Linen fee to those?  Is this Air BnB adding this on our behalf?  Is the Linen fee added after a set amount of days?  Although we have had someone stay 63 days and 27 days and they were charged the old cleaning rate of £30.  Anyone help please? thanks in advance. 

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


The linen fee is a extra charge per reservation, which can be added to the listing if "professional tools" is activated. The fee will be added to the cleaning fee. It is not depending on length of stay.

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

if you changed the cleaning fee rate after the guest already booked then he is charged the old cleaning fee. New cleaning fee will be applied to future bookings

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Mandy324  No, Airbnb doesn't add a cleaning fee or a linen fee. This is up to the host. 


Anything you change in your listing, be it the cleaning fee or the cancellation policy, or whatever, only applies to bookings made after the changes were made. Reservations you already have can't be charged more than what the charges were when they booked.


Hosts often find that their settings have mysteriously changed on their own through some tech glitch. It's wise to check all your settings and charges frequently.